

12 Feb 2018

2/12/2018 1:54 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories.. Extraordinary insn’t…? Matching the Speed of Light and going even beyond… Earning not only the awakening but the Evolution of the Species.. Äfra… Day B.I… AFRA…. DA Y…E B.D…. Birth Day… 11-28…. B.D… 2 4/ Room D.B… 4 B. B.D….F. /F.D.B…. 2 4 6/ 6 4..2.. F F… Yes I am sitting in the seat which Francis Frick just vacated. He is sitting to my Right… To my Left is Roberto.. “Connect: Directly behind me is Tyrone… […]

11 Feb 2018

2/11/2018 2:36 – Facebook Post

Here is Sacred Portal 75… Hindsight Foresight.. Penetrating the Viel of Sound and Language…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Feb 2018

2/10/2018 22:37 – Facebook Post

Here we are… This is what it really has all been about.. All this Expression.. all these posts all these riddles Equations C=Speed of Light… To catch up to the present as in the Past Present Future all aligned converged in one Line… One Moment .. one point.. Eternity.. Infinity… The Quickening… A Power … a Seeing able to Link weave with Awareness and Draw Everything to align to the C=Light… And so even in the Depths of what is […]

10 Feb 2018

2/10/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

This is the Book which Rahul Da Silva said was the very opposition to one seeing through a process of refinement to the Speed of Light… To see the Truth Present… Revolutionary Road…. R R… Meanwhile the correct expression played out here…Amanda ( I met an Amanda and Renee in Istanbul… Amanda was from Australia.. and I used her as a Model and Danced with her at a massive club club opening of the Night Club 2019 or 20 in […]

10 Feb 2018

2/10/2018 21:09 – Facebook Post

Another Con as a Facebook Suggestion… From Sethikus Boza… He was a Facebook Friend and had left…which is why I had pressed accept with realizing it was a suggestion… … another Con… Like Renee… I already have Hampton Renee Rhonda… H.R R… The correct one.. Hueman Race Radiance.. R R…Reborn… This the Maze of Daedalus…? Minotaur…? Look at the Dow Jones… and its codes and tell me if you really think I am the one trapped in the maze of […]

09 Feb 2018

2/9/2018 10:03 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories… Önly sees what the Mind is prepared to comprehend From 4 years ago… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Feb 2018

2/8/2018 22:00 – Facebook Post

6:45 p.m. F D..E 2-8-2018… B H T R… B H R… Fifth Dimension Emeka… Beauty Harmonizes Reflection… to One Radiance. Beauty is Symmetry.. Symmetry is Perfect Timing.. Perfect Timing is the Point. The Point is to Cee…Creation Responds… I finished the Facebook Memory post of First Drop… and the code which I opened my facebook page to 3 messages and 9 likes… C.I. I then saw that another facebook memory followed that one which I had refined my expression […]

08 Feb 2018

2/8/2018 18:51 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories.. This popped up when I opened my computer. It was from a year ago and two years ago…and then appeared last year.. It speaks of what I have been proving represented by Sacred Portal 46. Which is called “First Drop” which represents the First Drop or “Love Juice” which descended from the Phallus of the Source Creator when he beheld the full sum total of his reflections. A reflection a radiant reflection is not a Memory, […]

08 Feb 2018

2/8/2018 2:37 – Facebook Post

12:32 a.m. That I am still in this Script, is increduolous to me, even as I write. I have heard nothing from Ernest Collette the Immigration Lawyer who promised that by Monday – the last of the 3 Days I was informed through “Television and Astral Projection of my Grandmother appearing to me with that message. Recall, it was a day after her post I use to represent came up for the first time in the Facebook Memories Algorithm, with […]

07 Feb 2018

2/7/2018 22:43 – Facebook Post

I feel that this post with the Time code 7:06 p.m. Is how I wish to end the play of today… I feel that it is apt… My Coffee;s were 6 95. F…I.E… Fact I.E… Francis is I.E… Moi… FEE FIE FOE FUME….F F F F… 6 6 6 6 … 24….X…6…Francis… And my Coffee now is 690… 1969… O full Circle completed… F.I.E…F.I.O…. F F… I I… E O… So much took place today, with the 3 then 4 […]