

08 Mar 2018

3/8/2018 21:48 – Facebook Post

5:48 p.m. 3-8-2018…20+18= 38… 3 8 38… 38 38… 11 11 4(1) D.A… All One. E.D.H… E is Deaths Harmony.. ( as Transformation to Beauty.. Beautiful) D.A..Y…E All in One. 5:55 p.m. @ 1093 Facebook Friends. With the arrival, re- entry of Teo Miguel Bouça, into the Weave and Equation of this expression and demonstration of manifesting from the Eternal Plane to this one through all the Lines of Time and Space.. T.S.. 2019.. 39 C.I. Teo means : “The […]

08 Mar 2018

3/8/2018 10:10 – Facebook Post

From Johan Jordaan J.J. 1010… 2 Black Panther and Ororo “Beautiful Pride” I was reading the book The Boy Jim.” By Tony Early… I read a scene where Jim’s Father, and some friends are hunting in the Mountains and encounter a Panther, and the Panther speaks… And It is a She. As I read this last night, a flood of irritation and sadness overwhelmed me- of course, I knew I was telling the Truth, that I am who I say […]

06 Mar 2018

3/6/2018 22:40 – Facebook Post

6:49 p.m. 3-6-2018… F.D.I. C.F.T.R…U.E… Fifth Dimension is I… Infinity. Consciousness Fact and True, Transparent Radiant -Reflective Understanding Existence-Expression-Embodiment, F.D.I.C…TRUE… Fact I “Cee” (See ) True. F.D.I.C.T…R.U.E.. Faction Diction-Dictionary is Universal Expression and it is “La Rue Antonine (“La!”the sixth note Solfeffgio; the way is the street called Desire its Opens and closes the Flower of life, so highly esteemed of inestimable value and so highly praise worthy- See meaning of the name Anthony) *early 16th century: from medieval Latin […]

06 Mar 2018

3/6/2018 9:49 – Facebook Post

8 years …My word. I.C E. K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2018

3/6/2018 2:29 – Facebook Post

I went to see Flip J Hendrixs…. Sha-Ron Nickel George… Ethan Esther, Alexa, Peter Nyarkô Dejeuner 8 People Present at Apt 6E. P.S. G E E A.D and myself, Emeka. the 9th. 8 9… In 1989 Sha-Ron Addison was born, 19 89 S.A. (J.H. 108 Flower of Life) 11-25-1989. S.A,K.Y.S.H.I… Add EE. E.S.A-E…E.K.E.Y….E.S.H.I.E “The name is most commonly derived from the [classical Arabic] ???? ‘Isa, an Arabic translation of Jesus, itself having a Hebrew origin. … Isa was also used […]

05 Mar 2018

3/5/2018 11:42 – Facebook Post

9:26 p.m. 3-5-2018. I.B.H. C.E. T R… Hi… Last night- just before I went up to bed, I was stopped by a man called David. He asked for a rollie- a cigaratte and said he would pay for it, he placed all the coins he had on the table, 32 cents, then he asked if I could roll it for him, sighing I obliged, he then went back into the bathroom where he was playing music and place three more […]

04 Mar 2018

3/4/2018 2:16 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 86… the Challengers.. the 3… As 68….Flip the page… not invert it… 1968 rep David Roman Nicholas 11 22… 33… Today is 3-3- 2018… 19 86.. I is the true Play the script demanded me to repeat… I flipped a Script of the Public opinion involving a acussation from a person called Francis.. ( who lied out of fear..) and another called Nicholas… F N… Flip J Hendrixs Nickel… F.N… Really Sha-Ron Nickel.. S.N.. He was wearing 95 […]

04 Mar 2018

3/4/2018 2:04 – Facebook Post

The E Scripts version of “Demystifying the True C of Consciouness.. Devi Devoted Annointes Supreme Existence… D D… S.E… 4 4… 19 5… 8…….24… 6 8 6.. 1086 Facebook Friends… I am currently as 1086 Facebook friends for the third time… 1:04 a,m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Mar 2018

3/3/2018 21:02 – Facebook Post

God is The O Music…. Circle of Life. Humanity were meant to provide the Chorus To The Creators Beautiful Song… Nature’s Glory… …And Dance. Infinite Dance. I.D…. E… Existence Evolution Movement of D.A People. 1085 Facebook Friends… 10 85… J…H.E… Jimmy H.E…..N…DR..I….X. 10 85… 95… I.E..Flip J Hendrixs was wearing the number 95 1O 85… 86.. “Victor Light of Existence” 5:25 p.m. 3-3-18… E-Y. E-B-E… C C R Y…. Never Cry Wolf…. He will come… As F.E.N.R.I… O S T […]

03 Mar 2018

3/3/2018 10:36 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé… Ah there you are… I sought to tag you and you were gone… again.. I said. Where on Earth did he go, ‘when he come back, I am not sure if I will let him back in”I grumble. But I always do. So everyone can see the face of my most promiscous brother line… I am not sure how many times he has come and gone… or the reason for his leaving then coming back 12-13 times […]