

21 Mar 2018

3/21/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

1:04 p.m. Sacred Portal 104… Ah… Lord, I am tired of this… But there is progress… The first thing is that at 12:38 p.m I recieved a text from Leland Johnson in which he asked how was I doing. I immediately, knew why, ( especially with the code 38/83 which I represent) I asked him why he had sent me a phot of the 100 USD He had found outside of a hospital. He said that he figured that I […]

20 Mar 2018

3/20/2018 23:03 – Facebook Post

Star of the Beautiful Way…. E.U…. The meaning of the name Esther Uzoma Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Mar 2018

3/20/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

5:40 p.m. 3-20-2018. 5-4… 5th April.. 17 Years ago to this day I arrived in New York to finally face a story which had haunted my life. As most of you are aware, or those of you who are reading this script in the future, I have been giving evidence that there is are literally unseen and invisible forces at play in this World. Which has been influencing Humanity from the very beginning of time. And other forced “meddling” with […]

20 Mar 2018

3/20/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

….. Stephan Hawking passed away on Pi Day at the age of 76. 11:55 p.m. …”We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful “Stephan Hawkings… 3.14159265359 C… N……O.B.I.B. F-.E.C.E. I…. Code Chukwuemeka. Nnamdi.. OBI… Obi Ckc Nwakonobi / I.E…C E F.B I.B…O.N….C.. Exemplifed .. Cause & Effect… live on Face Book….of Infinte Being, ( Beauty) is O.N…Perfection OH Naturalness is One Cee… “*Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died […]

19 Mar 2018

3/19/2018 0:03 – Facebook Post

From Ged Mannix G.M. “Passionate about this Aliveness which blows apart the Dead Now…” How Life Conquered Death… Life =Existence Eternal Harmony…. Death the Power of God… 1-7… This is what the end post is about… At the same time, I am amazed at how much Ged Mannix looks like Francis Frick who is my neighbor in this place…. In fact, he is sitting right besides me and I gave up the computer here so I could use it…. Even […]

18 Mar 2018

3/18/2018 21:35 – Facebook Post

“A Symphony of Sound” that is the Title of the Travel section of the New York Times.. And on the cover of its magazine, “Should some Species be allowed to Die Out?” I am not sure where to start with this Story, which I promised to tell in summary. II do not thing there is anyway, that anyone in this present perception can even begin to conceive of what I am about to recount ( and that which I had […]

18 Mar 2018

3/18/2018 11:24 – Facebook Post

Memories Today… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Mar 2018

3/17/2018 21:23 – Facebook Post

Because of the play which I was thrown into today. I am forced to enter into this code… The man who had been claiming that he is the Voice of the Creator… ( Not to be confused by Lorenzo who sleeps in the same room as I and is simply Delusional and aware of his failings…. He told me today that he prays for his imperfections… As I was going down stairs to confront the Enoch and accept the Challenge […]

17 Mar 2018

3/17/2018 19:44 – Facebook Post

From Excellent Healer E.H… Jace Horsford…Jace means Healer… I spent the Coin he was moved to give me… It is meant to be my “Token”: to pay for my “Subway” ride out of this dimension… Apparently, I had to know exactly when to spend it, to make it work.. and to give it to the correct person… Diop…. God is the Music… and the Film… Motion Pictures… M.P… Parker Maye.. has left the play… M.P… Mikeala Peter Nyarkô correct equation […]

17 Mar 2018

3/17/2018 11:07 – Facebook Post

10:30 a.m. 3-17-2018… J.CO. A O..C O… C-Q-T.B.O… C.Q.B..O.E.. Hello… I have to be honest with you, I should not be posting any longer, And I am only doing so now because this Energy which is moving within me. As you can see, from the money code I shared sent by Leland Johnson L.J ( 10 12 ..22 V ) That I do do belive in this play this script. And I do not believe that one can use Evil […]