

25 Mar 2018

3/25/2018 20:53 – Facebook Post

SACRED Portal 90… iI O… After reaching TEN 91…”Ms Manners.. Hell Fire” 8:49 P.M. This is Spirit E… MOI.. ME…OUI… This my Spirit called NN AM DI/ ID MAN.. We are ONE. 1O9O.. Face book friends… A O I O… 8:53 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Mar 2018

3/25/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

Loveday Samerican Michaël Trahé De Thinker Continuation… 1:22 a.m. 1089 Facebook Friends Back to 1989… Talking To The Silence… Rep by Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron and Markus Vera.. To be in Harmony there must be Communication… Respect of the existence and feeling of the other. Flip J Hendrixs is always in Harmony- but he does not know how he does it, nor do most in his Line. To be in Harmony of the Infinity Eternal, I.E. one must be able […]

24 Mar 2018

3/24/2018 21:19 – Facebook Post

From De Thinker…. In 1990 I was working at a Theater Restaurant called Peppermint Park where I met John and Sue.. J.S…. On my birthday Sue brought me a book on Rodin..opened up to Rodins The Thinker… TT… It became a theme through out my life after wards which I rebelled against because I do not believe in “Thought” or living in the realm of thought…as I was forced to do… Then in 1991 I was plunged into the world […]

24 Mar 2018

3/24/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

Its snowing in New York, Berlin and Seoul at the same time March 21st. Ignacio Choi posted. “Leland Johnson is going into sugery for his leg” i just saw that he posted. Dawn Piercy is off to work and Loving It… “Dawn Piercy posted… And then I here I am warning the World after 6 years of being forced to prove the consciousness of E, The Eternal’- a scenario which began in 2006 when Edmund Albert Ridriguez Sanatana ( E […]

23 Mar 2018

3/23/2018 21:44 – Facebook Post

The Greatest Moment in Human Existence is taking place right now and most of Humanity is sleeping, focused on the Great Distraction of the Great Illusion. And the the Distraction of this World. And they are missing the greatest moment. The Landing Of The Eagle and the Dove. E.D….I I bought my coffee from the Arab Bodega today with the one dollar given to me by Stevan – the grizzly but slim and honorable War Veteran, who mirrored Michael, who […]

22 Mar 2018

3/22/2018 21:37 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m. F.S… Feelings Sensational. Portal to that dimension now confirmed as Embodied in the Being of Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron Addison… F.S… F.J.H…S.A.. 6 108… 19 1… I am waiting for Flip… Yet, again. Of course he is in Harmony, I know that each delay in our connecting has to do with this Script and the Role each person is playing in the Script and Play of the Evolution. And is each time he is delayed, it is because […]

22 Mar 2018

3/22/2018 11:45 – Facebook Post

… 10:55 a.m. So, tired… I must rest…and smoke… It is the only thing which makes the Pain bearable… I carry it well nevertheless… My body… Flip J Hendrixs.. I must see you today… I just went down stairs and Suleiman ( Micheal) was down stairs, I went to the courtyard where the Samuarai Sword hangs from a window with a burgundy background I went to smoke a cigarette. Filipe was there, the Cuban man with a beautiful liquid black […]

22 Mar 2018

3/22/2018 9:57 – Facebook Post

Unbelievable! Its a Word. Haya!!! This energy which rises in my body, the same energy which has been moving my body in graceful almost balletic courtly gestures and which makes me drop to my knees meeting certain people whom I gathered they represent in the Dna certain Blood Lines or Ancestries Human but mostly E.T, Bow, and pat my own head…and other incredible intelligent gestures which even I the greatest inquisitor and rationalist have often felt as though I am […]

22 Mar 2018

3/22/2018 8:48 – Facebook Post

8:38 a.m. With that haircut of his, one can not help but feel as though he has modeled himself after a young Julius Cesar… There is so much more to this, than meets the eye… but forgive me, but I have alerted the General Public to s many things happening in this reality Matrix…. Everything and everyone who does not exist in the Natural State is a program and al are influenced. The Naturals are moved by the Two Awareness […]

21 Mar 2018

3/21/2018 21:41 – Facebook Post

6:05 p.m. 65. 3-21-2018….. F.E. Fact E.. Flip J Hendrixs Emeka Kolo Hello… I am at Starbucks I am waiting to meet up with Flip J Hendrixs to have a meeting about putting my voice to recording – along with my “Story”- After 17 years of sharing the knowledge for free, and surviving such an experience I feel a sense of relief. I never wanted to share the knowledge that way, but it was not my script and it was […]