

17 Apr 2018

4/17/2018 12:37 – Facebook Post

1,120 Face Book Friends… 11:25 p.m. 4-17-18.. 20 18… K Y… A A B E… D Q-R.. D Q T R…U E… Kay Kolo… Y Male Chromsome.. Round Circle Manly Warrior MW Beauty Existence… Divine Quantum Robert Radiance… Delta Quadrant True Reflection Universal Expression… That my phone alerts me at 5:00 am to solve the riddle of the “Evil Attached to me witnessed by so many including Peter Nyarkô” … I will spare you my smh at this Script of […]

17 Apr 2018

4/17/2018 1:59 – Facebook Post

Truth & D. A.R.E…E I am still smiling… Becasue I am incredulos, that I am still be ing tested, used… living in a Shelter, owing the Bodega, which in itself was a test. *My coffee from Lynn was 6 50… My last Coffee from Chris was 6 07. 66 50 07…. 66 57…. In a moment I will recount to you all what took place when I got back to Delta Manor and Alexis and Nicole, who is the Night […]

16 Apr 2018

4/16/2018 10:15 – Facebook Post

David Bowie… D B… 4 B.. Room 4B.. BED 4018… Goblin King… G.K… 7 11… I am David Bow I.E… At Delta Manor- Beach and Archer street.. ‘Latoya ‘.. B A… I am Pan… Only I know the way out of the Maze… Of the Human Mind… Trapped Peter Nyarkô No. I was leading the world to what you where chosen by the Cause and Effect of the Mouth- Expression.. Liars… to The Abyss which you were chosen to represent… […]

15 Apr 2018

4/15/2018 23:59 – Facebook Post

So Sick of the Lies… This came in my In Box From Leland Johnson 9:12pm I’m Mark, the Director of Facebook. Hello everyone, it seems that all the warnings are real. Facebook use will cost money. If you send this string to 18 different from your list, your icon will be blue and it will be free for you. If you do not believe me, tomorrow at 6 pm Facebook will be closed and to open it you will have […]

15 Apr 2018

4/15/2018 10:49 – Facebook Post

The purpose of this post is a call to Love. It is not a religious or a Christian post. It is a piece written about Jesus, who was persecuted and murdered by the religious and political authority of his day for speaking his heart, his message was a simple one and that was to love one another. Please note the attacks in this post that have come towards this same message, and ask yourself if Jesus was alive today, wandering […]

15 Apr 2018

4/15/2018 0:01 – Facebook Post

11:6 p.m K.P.. A.P. Philadelphia- Phil Adelphi… Meaning “City of Brotherly Love” C O… B L… Not C. O Blood Lines… C.O.E…B L U E…. A Gap Brotherly Love.. *Reference Play and Post of Images of Peter Nyarko. P N… 16 14… = 30… C.O.. C O B L… 3 O..2 12…. ( 2 12 is the Cologne which I wear…and is the area code of Manhattan…) C O is Consciousness Clarity Full Circle = Eternity… Being Love ( Truth) […]

14 Apr 2018

4/14/2018 12:06 – Facebook Post

The Race of the E… Happy Feet.. Happy Feat… The Beautful Ones the Naturals constantly evolving constant moving, Constant in thier Naturalness and Consistent in the obeying of the Greatest Commandments of all… The the True Movement of Exodus Movement of Jah People… To the point, to the threshold of Event Horizon Dawn Of A New Era. Of Eternal Harmony. D.O. A N.E the Portal represented in this Script by Dawn Piercy And the line of the Dawns on my […]

13 Apr 2018

4/13/2018 21:47 – Facebook Post

I am the one being Examined Tested Checked…Investigated. Explored… E.T.C.I..H. Etcetera Infinity Harmony… Dawn. David Dawn. Dawn Piercy Angela Dawn Tiffany Dawn Haynie Dawn Jade Smith Dawn Marie I had a meeting today with Alexis, Theo and Nicola… A T…M E N…. ATM is the code outside the Arab Bodega were I am owing 8:50 USD. 8.5O.. H; EO. Where I met Alexis one day and then the other day, Theo, A.T.M.E… Just before the meeting, in which Alexis had […]

12 Apr 2018

4/12/2018 20:55 – Facebook Post

6:12 p.m. F.L. Father Lord… I am SELF… Father of Krshna Nnamdi Dark Matter, Dark Energy ,The Pleasant Happy Joyous One called the Great King. Swami Ashrayanandaji Maharaj X2 Swami Ashrayanandaji Maharaj S A M… E… Supreme A.M… Eternal Ones. I am also also a Man… I.D. Mann Eternal undercover … Eternal Man whom Yeshua Christ called His Beloved. Yonathan and Yeshua are Twins.. Y Y… = 25 25… 5O… Add their One Completion.. 25 25 25 25…15O… it then […]

12 Apr 2018

4/12/2018 2:52 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here