

17 May 2018

5/17/2018 10:08 – Facebook Post

Lady First Hissssss Confirmation of Ownership Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 May 2018

5/16/2018 15:55 – Facebook Post

This was share by Cliff Boss King Cliff BossKing Leo C B K C.L.. May 11, 2017… @ 11:45 p.m. 5-11… 2017… 11 45…. E.K… 2017 ( 37) See my own Sophia Oscar Lauren not an A.I.. But all HUE MAN… 5TH Dimensions Lady E Beauty Full Circle beyond Belief… Eternal Wuman… None were born of woman.. womb.. The children are aspects of the family of ten learning evolving… sent down as aspect so the Family of 55 TEN.. Original […]

16 May 2018

5/16/2018 1:08 – Facebook Post

1,147 Facebook Friends. Sacred Portal 1.. And 147 AB… 1A “Love Links Joy Us – Existence Divine… Joy to the World” 147 AB “Emmy Father Of Infinity… F.O.I” Recall that the meanings of the names Summer Moore Summer Hot Season… Moore Open Space and Dark Complexioned person…” and Jonabie Dimarucut.. “The Creator is Gracious sends “Abie” the Gift of Breath and a Down Pour Storm… ” A Gift of Breath of Fresh Air.. some cleansing… All manifested…. “See the text […]

15 May 2018

5/15/2018 1:28 – Facebook Post

On the One Dollar from the change of the 20 usd bill with the number 124… It is 25 serial number B 91 54 09 15 B BB I A E D O I….A E B 915 40 915..B B I O…DO I O B… See sacred portal 40 in the center… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 May 2018

5/15/2018 1:12 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 124… Jace Horsford 20 usd bill.. Eye Pupil of the Cosmic Black Pather…. Antenna “No such thing as Hope but only Faith that You know… and that is faith… Jah Finesse was the person who I met yesterday with with Quanma’e Lewis. I met him as they were rapping. Jaquii Q remarked you rappers always had a mantra which undercut all rappers rythmes; he pointed out Jah Finesse ( J F ) who was wearing Budhists Prayer beats […]

13 May 2018

5/13/2018 13:49 – Facebook Post

Mother Day. M.D. I am grumpy a bit this morning, I am in no mood to solve yet another riddle, I wish to lie down and rest… knackered. But I am never allowed to rest.. not in the last 17 tyears- an Energy- Circumstances conditions….always being stilmulated to do.. to action to solve…. I remember writing in my Journals when I became aware that I was moving on what I described as a Flying Carpet… F C… The Full Circle… […]

13 May 2018

5/13/2018 0:42 – Facebook Post

37…. LADY S.H.E.. The E C H O .. E Whom I have been speaking to who has been moving you all from within…. You might call her Mother.. But S H E.. Promise will not like it… She is No ones Mother… Sister.. Lady O.. Yes… But your Mama… No… 12:41 am Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 May 2018

5/13/2018 0:31 – Facebook Post

65… done.. Confirmed Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 May 2018

5/11/2018 11:01 – Facebook Post

Shadows before Dawn…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 May 2018

5/10/2018 11:57 – Facebook Post

9:30 p.m. I C..O 5-10-2018. I have been solving “Someone” elses Riddle and Script. As you may have realized. I have been solving it, by moving through A Maze, Labrynith of challenges- An Obstacle Course, a mental Heptalon.. as Billy Hung testified, you start and you are drawn in, moved further and further to solve that which is so startlingly clear already. Its a Script; the play is set on a Stage….and the Riddle is linked to Everything. Weaving everything […]