

01 Jun 2018

6/1/2018 17:56 – Facebook Post

3:35 p.m. 3:36 p.m. 6-1-2018…. 33 E… Castle Suffer Now.. Summit Later” Is what I saw on a person T-Shirt… Then a B P A.. With a Black Panther climbing over the wall of letters… 55 86 on a School Bus… An arrogant older black man who carried himself with Wealth, wearing a Golden sweater seemed to cut infront of me after I left my meeting with Billy Hung. I was amazed that I still called him out… He carried […]

01 Jun 2018

6/1/2018 15:24 – Facebook Post

Lady K.A.T…WU-MANN… From Dawn Piercy… Yes… Ha… The True Black Win-DOW.. SPI.-DEAR… 3:24 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Jun 2018

6/1/2018 15:15 – Facebook Post

From Dawn Piercy… I just spent the last 3 hours solving the riddle after saying good bye to Billy Hung.. I did not go to the Dentist with him and we parted ways with mutual respect and the understanding of Intelligence but of two different points of view… I just did the codes of Stephan Curry Waldrel, Jersey 30.. S C.. K A Thompson jersey 11… And Kevin W Durant jersey 35…. See sacred Portal 30 11 35… And the […]

01 Jun 2018

6/1/2018 0:09 – Facebook Post

From Arinsze Umeano 17 Hrs ago.. There is a reason I am sharing this, Recall I stated that this is an E.T play versus the Super Natural Expressions of Lets say “Chaos” versus Harmony” ( in truth there is only Harmony… Chaos is realy C.H.A O S- * 2018… T.R.. 20 18…38.. A O S… E O S…) Well, here is an idea of how the Script which I have been in for 17 yrs. It involes being aware of […]

30 May 2018

5/30/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

9:08 p.m. 5-30- 2018… 98… I.H… Infinite Harmony… 17 Q.. H. E.C.O.T. R…U E… Z H… E C ( 8) H.O.. E C.. H O. T R…U E… 38 26…64.. 10…11 8… J K H… E GA LA XY I O I I.. C I… (333…III…3 9…) I H.. Q H… H O ..1O 11 C I.. Emeka Kelly play….. E K… 5 11.. 16…7… G..P…Reflection Radiance Robert… R… G P R I.. All that trouble to get me to […]

29 May 2018

5/29/2018 1:15 – Facebook Post

From Billy Hung… An excerpt from A True Conversation Between Ahtom and Energy E…. By myself Emeka Kolo 2011.. Billy shared this at 6:28 p.m. And I did not see this until just a moment ago… ( still think we are not in a play) Thus the Play yesterday had to take place, but that does not mean that Lifes and Free will does no exist in this play if everyone has their role… Rather you each have the choice […]

27 May 2018

5/27/2018 21:24 – Facebook Post

At 1160 Facebook Friends… I am at Starbucks.. Randall Michael Wiltz and I are sitting at the same table… There was no other place to sit when I arrived, but he graciously offered me space… I was weary… He said that Peter had left his bag but he did not think that he would need the table.. I looked at him wryly noting “The Universe went to alot of trouble to get us to sit at the same table” He […]

27 May 2018

5/27/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

11:16 p.m. Hugo Boss is on The Delta Manor- Screen Saver…H B…! A Porsche with the number 1.! See my commennts under Locker Art I posted Yesterday.. *See meaning of the name Chandravanu Art… ….And right besides it is a cellow car with a Ring or tire Circle on top of it with the number 75… G E/ E.G Recall that it had a Sports Car with 87 On it. See the Sacred Portals Alan Bean Allan means ‘Beauty Handsome […]

25 May 2018

5/25/2018 17:10 – Facebook Post

5:06..7pm PS I have 4 messages and 18 likes on my Facebook page right now.. Stated out as 1 4 18 5:09 pm 59.. S P…Bed 59 Anthony Malgren A M C V S Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 May 2018

5/25/2018 17:00 – Facebook Post

3:57-89 pm darned phone.. C E.G H I 1157 Facebook Friends A A E G H I K E G ode G E K H E… I E G H I Jay. Emeka Kolo Emmanuel Kerema Which one is the reflection represented in a play and which is the Original.. 4:04 a.m 1157 Facebook Friend… 5 Continents 7 Seas.. What does Kerema mean and Emmanuel… Is Africa the Source or is it an E T. Everyone Elected to be part […]