

16 Jul 2018

7/16/2018 0:16 – Facebook Post

From Dawn Piercy Dawn Mendoza… D.M. Stitch…. The Blue E.T… B.E.T. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jul 2018

7/15/2018 20:42 – Facebook Post

The Game Of Death. T. G.O D… Truth… G=7…O..is the Mirror… Can you handle seeing your Reflection Responding to you? Acknowledging your Beautiful Truth… And Challenging your Lie…. D is the Box.. Delta Representing Change Transformation. 6:43 p.m. The Code of Truth is Beautiful… T= 20th Letter… 2O.. B.O.. Beautify = Perfect Symmetry… of Expression Full Circle. * My test was 43 Years, since the age of 7-8 when I wrote the Story of the End of the World and […]

14 Jul 2018

7/14/2018 2:15 – Facebook Post

From Ish Kumarr Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Jul 2018

7/13/2018 20:18 – Facebook Post

6:09 p.m. 69.. 7-13-2018. I have proven the Existence of the Human Soul exists. As well as the Spirit. And their name is E… Pg 487; Platonists defined the body as a prison” from which the soul escaped; Stoics called the soul apospasama tou theu- “a particle of God- and believed that it was recalled by God on Death. The existence of the Human soul. Katherine noted with some frustration, was probably a concept that could never be scientifically proven. […]

13 Jul 2018

7/13/2018 1:57 – Facebook Post

11:43 p.m. 43 Years…. E=CMe43 D.C. Washington D C. The Lost Symbol… The Laughing Buddha… Why is he Laughing? Perhaps because he has the Lost Symbol… The Beautiful Truth. Kyle Murphy made a comment today when I got back to this place… I am sitting in the T.V Room of Delta Manor watching a play in a shelter of two three four men in particular…. In thier play, I observe the All the Evil in the World played out in […]

12 Jul 2018

7/12/2018 1:20 – Facebook Post

E… Nice Pic Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Jul 2018

7/11/2018 10:05 – Facebook Post

8:57 p.m. 7-11-2018… 1155 Face Book Friends.. Hello… Isabelle Ilic Merci pour votre Intel ( et intelligence) et pour le faire partager avec moi en text and publicment… I had better stop writing in French, I am bit rusty…. And thank you Anthony Bienke for your acknowledgment, it makes me feel that I am finally beginning to be seen in this world. I am reading this “Fluffy” Fiction “the Lost Synbol By Dan Brown which as you know, has manifested […]

09 Jul 2018

7/9/2018 20:44 – Facebook Post

Lamb Of God… That is what appeared on a T-Shirt as I just looked up. And then young Henri walked in..18 years old. I met Latoya yesterday who gave me a gift of 2 usd. and today, I met the 43 year old superintendent who I met here he gave me a dollar for some tobbacco… They both live on Archer Street, the only two people who I have net here in my almost 22 months here at Delta Manor […]

08 Jul 2018

7/8/2018 17:23 – Facebook Post

The Lost Symbol. I was astounded this afternoon when I read read page 67 and 69 of the Book of Fiction by Dan Brown. The Lost Symbol. ‘Experiments at facilities like the institute of Noetic Sciences ( IONS) in California and the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab ( P. E A R) has categorically proven that Human Thought, if properly focused had the ability ‘ to affect and change PHYSICAL MASS… Our thoughts actually interacted with the physical world, wether […]

05 Jul 2018

7/5/2018 1:29 – Facebook Post

From Anthony Bienke Raven Minn. I share this because of a I observed Peter Nyarkô today and he was wearing the Raven Mood on his shirt… I am not sure why the words hit me like a Hammer. And then Kyle Murphy mention the Serpent he had as a pet and the Venom he used to extract from it and sell 340 usd code. He also spoke of being once 430 pounds and lost 130 and optimum at 225-230…. * […]