

21 Jul 2018

7/21/2018 2:28 – Facebook Post

1:17 p.m.. A.Q.. Anala Qayin who came as Death with the Message.. Anamla is AKA Dominic… As in Dominoes…. 1:18 a.m A.R.. Ah See therre was more left to me to write Ogonna S Omocrafts See the code of number… 11:28.. 1:04 a.m. 1:13 a.m You can easily read the codes.. 11 28 is my Birthday… 104 Is Sacred Portal 04 “Com pass me Terrible Death” 1:13 is A.M a.m… Not Not Mama.. or Nwa Mama .. Ok Here is […]

20 Jul 2018

7/20/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

7:28 p.m. 7:29 p.m. 7-20-2018… The Numbers indicate which aspect of Creation Existence I am “Channeling” 7 28 is my Sisters Code as Ms Hell Fire – Sacred Portal 91… I.A.. Which links to the Shares of Isabelle Ilic and Axel Love ( Axel Anderson) I posted to today, linked to my Share from Facebook Memories Today of me as the Being using Intent from my Third Idea to manifest my Will. 7:29 Links to the portal I have taken […]

20 Jul 2018

7/20/2018 1:41 – Facebook Post

This is Ezeudo Chibuike… E.C… 53… The One…. Who made the Ultimate Challenge and Insult.. The One who Challenged Warrior Creator… NNAMDI… I D MANN… A GREAT WARRIOR…. OF Spirit beyond Creator Existence. He must be to utter such Words in Public… Now as that Great Warrior he is … Voice of Ugo Nwamama.. Let us see him now stand by these world uttered before the entire World.. Before Eze Mmuo… And The Wrath of Ages whom he has betrayed […]

19 Jul 2018

7/19/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

I have deleted Sirius Ugo from my page. The Script is over and so, I do not have to tolerate that which I have had to tolerate for the last 6.7 Years… I knew I had permission from the source of this Play Script to delete him because something took place when I got back… First all of my older face book friends will recall the play symbolized by Ikenna Iheanacho. I and I… His name means ‘They wish to […]

18 Jul 2018

7/18/2018 8:43 – Facebook Post

Dans les ténèbres qui m’enserrent Noires comme un puits où l’on se noie Je rends grâce aux dieux, quels qu’ils soient Pour mon âme invincible et fière. Dans de cruelles circonstances Je n’ai ni gémi ni pleuré Meurtri par cette existence Je suis debout, bien que blessé. En ce lieu de colère et de pleurs Se profile l’ombre de la Mort Je ne sais ce que me réserve le sort Mais je suis, et je resterai sans peur. Aussi étroit […]

17 Jul 2018

7/17/2018 14:31 – Facebook Post

There is only one answer to this Equation. Instant Manifestation. I have satisfied all the Test of the Unseen force and the Forces of “EVIL”. And proven that Humanity is in a Containement Field. I have provenwithin a Contained Play of 17 years and 22 months voluntaraily going whereever I was directed through maze of 55 homes of people in New York to a Homleess Shelter and Mental Health Shelter that in move from the first day I arrived in […]

17 Jul 2018

7/17/2018 0:36 – Facebook Post

From Ele Ife E .I… 5 9… @ 11 59 Face book friends again. He sent me this at 10:50 p.m. He entitled it ORIGINS… He is correct.. But this is not the fulll story…. The True Popes were not from Europe they came From Africa Pangea and lived in two realms at the same time… they were evolving All back to the BLUE PLANET… Link current Pope Francis… and my niehgbor here Francis who we have never slep side […]

16 Jul 2018

7/16/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m 85 1385 Metropolitan Woods Avenue… Bronx. 7-16-2018… 85… H E.. 7-16-2018… G P…T R… U E… B R O…E H E God Particle… Its True… The B R O .. E… / E O. R B… Pause… 8:42 p.m.. 8:43 p.m. It had come to my attention that I was brought here to New York to give my Conclusion on an Investigation to my “Father Brothers” instigation at the Truth of his Creation. My Conclusion:is that Creation .. […]

16 Jul 2018

7/16/2018 10:02 – Facebook Post

7-16-2018… At 1158 Facebook Friends twice… Artie is 58… 58 is Scared Portal in which I go am led home by A Friend Father Brother who recalls me… 58 represnted E.H.. Eternal Harmony. Tony Sullivan is my latest Facebook Book friend… T.S… Links to T S L… The Screwatape Letters.. By C S Lewis. The battle between continuing to solve this long drawn out riddle which is meant to activate the Portal of not only my going home, but also […]

16 Jul 2018

7/16/2018 1:59 – Facebook Post

12:38 a.m. 12-16-2018. When History Repeats” 13453… In 1942, my mothers family was sent to the Utah desert based on lies and fear-mongering.” New York Times Magazine Today. Notice the Numbers….? 13 453…. M D.E C Please see page 4-5 New York Times Sunday Review. It shows a picture of Baphomet…. Artie came to see me where I sat in the Outside courtyard. I knew that it was more, that there were more riddles of Death…as Truth, the Ugly Truth. […]