

05 Aug 2018

8/5/2018 11:44 – Facebook Post

FroM Gabriel Binky Signar Literally… C I A… The Correct Version. Every portal in this Realm.. and I mean portal as everything named and existing in this Reality, is a reflections of the Original. The Original as in the true version. Everything which manifests here in this reality is a perversion, distorted version of the Original. But they nevertheless are the portals and each of these portals were created as the representation of the Original, Thus, all these portals twisted […]

05 Aug 2018

8/5/2018 1:35 – Facebook Post

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee.. You must understand, I trust no one because to many people have assumed to understand the play and script which I have been decoding. And so many have assumed to know. 11:42 p.m. It is an Eternal Expression moving people of Truth through Time linked to Infinity. Each momemt ( and I mean 24/7) I am made aware, forced to be made aware of the Links and the Pieces of the […]

03 Aug 2018

8/3/2018 1:53 – Facebook Post

12:08 p.m. 3-8-2018. L:O H. / W H O L E… W E… Is added. C H… T R… Hello… I spent most of the day trying to figure out the riddle which involved my passing through the last of the portals of a 26 year journey since Garde de Nord at Paris… And since 1988, when I returned to London England. Tejumola Raheem Osazee post had that code 88 of likes… 89 likes… The portal is represented by Edward […]

02 Aug 2018

8/2/2018 23:45 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar G B S. And so yes, truly each to their own. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Aug 2018

8/1/2018 20:37 – Facebook Post

This is Anamla Qayin.. Map Of Inferno” M.O.I. See Sacred portal 90.. I Only. Moi… Me.. A was the person who a man was given a message in his dreams at which he saw her in waking life, and gave it to her.. And she in turn gave it to me.. Who it was intended. My full name is Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna. C. I. Kolo. This was before I came to Delta Manor in 2016.. To Do the Kolo Know Know_11..see […]

30 Jul 2018

7/30/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

Marshal Enforcement.. M E. The man in front of me has on his back… 9:07 p.m. 97… 16… 16 usd in my pouch. P. 302 was the number on my coffee… It was given to me for Free by a person called Kyle – Caucasian. ( You might recall him) And I just bought another one, a refill for 54 cents…from the 19 year old Kyle the number is 29. And so, I was forced to enter once more into […]

28 Jul 2018

7/28/2018 1:42 – Facebook Post

Igbo Anthony Ottah is back and once more providing intel from the Spirit realm… Okuo Mmuo… O M… The Hell Fire of the Spirit Realm… Orange Flames… I passed through this.. See sacred portal 3.. Color Orange… R O…Y-G… I have been wearing the Orange band and yesterday I discovered a Orange Belt like the Karate Black Belt.. but this was Orange… Heat of Hells Kitchen which I passed through beginning 2005 but was aware of my 1985… 1988… 12:48 […]

27 Jul 2018

7/27/2018 23:54 – Facebook Post

L M…. See Leo Mannheimir- from the book of fiction ” From the book “The Girl who takes an eye for an eye..” by David Lagergrantz .. D L I posted page 90.. Linked to Spirit E… Aspect of Awareness 1st of the Expression of the Family of TEN…5 5… 1 8… A H.. Link Arthur Hur. AH. Link the play of the Leo.. Lion L ion… of Judah.. Edward Eceinco E E Klein Alicia. K A… I O N […]

27 Jul 2018

7/27/2018 21:05 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 11 9;03 p.m.. New York 11th State…A A.. A-Z-A.. 26+1= 27… B G..Blue Green.. 5 4..9…I.. Sol Fa.. Soul Fa THE..R… 9:04 pm. 93 94… I C…”Response Alexander” ID… 9:05 p.m. 95.. I e…M E K A.. H… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jul 2018

7/26/2018 10:11 – Facebook Post

9:07 a.m. 97 97 cents was left in my “Apa Ogu” my woved raffia pouch I have been using since my wallet was stolen. 78 Cents I found yesterday.. 97/79 Full Circle. 16/16…1… 32… 5… 1 5 1 5 1 5… 9:19 a.m ( I.S) 72 actually was in it and 25 was outside of it in the red vELVET Pouch I stuff the whole thing in.. Relevance.. 72.. G B.. Green Blue.. 4 5… 25 was the date yesterday […]