

10 Aug 2018

8/10/2018 21:32 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 20… Lady E C H O… The Third of the Twin Males…. The Two of them in One… 20.. 2O… T.B.O… T C… E T C..E/ EC T E! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Aug 2018

8/10/2018 21:13 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 9… Isabelle Ilic… Do you see it… I and I… = 9 9= 18… R.. Robert… Robert means “Famed Bright Shinning .. of Light? Thunder Lightening… T L.. 20 12.. 32.. 5.. Transparent Light.. remerging of that which was never broken down.. Transparent Light…Rainbow Spectrum in One.. Harmony.. O H… Orgasm.. Bliss.. I Ejaculate.. I Cum I Express.. I Come… But First with Love and Desire for Beauty.. I Rise.. Erect… I build… until I can contain the […]

10 Aug 2018

8/10/2018 12:26 – Facebook Post

10:55 p.m. 8-10-2018… Jace delivered to me Two 5… 55 See sacred portal 55..”Universal Sensie” of the past * I just wrote a comment explaining on Gabriel Binky Signar post “….you made a Mistake and Move on” of what happened to the way home because people, societies nations would not go back and clean up thier messes- sets things correct and how the cumulative stagnation created a black Hole and Creatures so Unnatural who manifested from what was discovered and […]

10 Aug 2018

8/10/2018 1:29 – Facebook Post

12:07 a.m. 8-10-2018… L.O.G… H.J. T R… H A T R…. The Logs HAT…R… 18. 10 usd from Jace Horsford J.K.H… 8 from Kyle …. R.K.M… 10+8= 18… Letter R… Portal Roberto Munoz… Munos means “9th”, and the word, “Hill’. I saw the code which Kyle showed me on his phone Bill.. 282.79…usd. I saw the time Jace Horsford called me 8:05 p.m. 85… HE I was sitting at 1385 Metropolitain Woods Ave.. M W. See sacred portal signed 8/5/ […]

09 Aug 2018

8/9/2018 20:10 – Facebook Post

From Tejumola Raheem Osazee Extraordinary… We are still crossing the O of T R O… F E… T R U E.. T R U T H…. O F…E… Yes..this is Truth and Fact… You can see by the script I have been successfully decoding ( and encoding the correct response) that 100,000= 1 to the power of 5 Full Circles.. 1.5. and 5,000= And 5 to the power of 3…. 5 3… 5 1 5 3…. Keith Grant Bed 53 […]

08 Aug 2018

8/8/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

7:56 a.m. 8-8-2018…. G ..E F…. God is Efficient Facts. and Facts Manifest Consistently Constantly irrespective of Opinion or Belief. 8-8 .. E M E K A… K O L O..Numerically comes to 35 53… C E / E C.. 8 8… The play I have just completed with Tejumola Raheem Osazee has nothing to do with him personally, but rather was his being used as an Avatar Challenger Tester of the E… My awareness. 8:00 p.m. ..And proof and […]

07 Aug 2018

8/7/2018 2:30 – Facebook Post

2:17 a.m. B Q… 2:18 a.m B R…O E 8-7-201818… H G B.R… O.E One of the things I came to prove is that Humanity is Insane. Literally… Yes, I am proving the Matrix,that this World you live in is not real… That it a realm of Deluisons which created Illusion- A World of Illusion. Where all these people livin in thier Heads, and Ideas of themselves are competing, warring with each other, killing each other to prove that thier […]

07 Aug 2018

8/7/2018 1:03 – Facebook Post

Whoever remembers this means your old & deserve to have a smoke ?? ???? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Aug 2018

8/6/2018 11:31 – Facebook Post

23… I am fully aware what this all means… But I have explained enough… Truth is the Process which crests in Manifestation.. This constant alignement refininement.. use of the Yeshua story to create a not stop suffering to me ( despite my constantly transforming it) sadisitic malicious evil.. Truth manifests… I no longer know what this proces is.. but it is not the way of truth… more like Deceiet.. And since nothing has power over the truth… I do not […]

06 Aug 2018

8/6/2018 1:03 – Facebook Post

11:28 p.m, My Birth Day code. From Tejumola Raheem Osazee T.R.O… Again I commend andrecognize the Harmony of Tejumola;s posts and harmony but at the same time, it is here that the expressed embodiment of my experiencing in awareness the literal script and then documenting it as it manifested around me, linked to my own persoal experience and memory… We part ways here. This is why, the young man used as an Avatar in the script of which I have […]