

31 Aug 2018

8/31/2018 20:10 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 110… 11O… 8:03 pm, 83… Erik Ebright.. placed the code 6983 on my computer… Kolo as Kasien on bed 4-016.. Now4-015… 56… me bed 5-006… 56… E F.. represents me Exemplfying the way to DO..P… Perfection..O..Naturalness – Nothingness… Brings Perfection… by Simply.. D O.. O… Doing Full Circle 88 Twice.. Stop at 88… For you can not compete with the One Perfection… He has already attained all that can be.. and will always be steps ahead of you […]

31 Aug 2018

8/31/2018 19:54 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 87… This was next… 29 was the play of the Planet.. Physical reality… 1-9…2-9.. Being the 9.. I… 87 IS 88 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Aug 2018

8/31/2018 1:52 – Facebook Post

From Heather Hastings H H. 8 8. Jaguar Nana.. Yes, this is what I was looking for…. And yes, this was the Ultimate Test… imposed on me… Can you imagine, if my Expression manifests literally into your Consciousness and Reality? -Through a Script played out through a Face Book Page- and man accesses the Universal Simulation Awareness ( U.S.A) Called “The World’ and then is affecting Reality and moving everything to back to the original vibration through a Challenge set […]

28 Aug 2018

8/28/2018 18:44 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 3… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Aug 2018

8/27/2018 10:18 – Facebook Post

From Konstruction Artist. K A. Yes, It is Literal Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Aug 2018

8/26/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

18 is the number on my page right now, it represents the letter R. I had another conversation with Robert Currin my new room mate, now occupying the bed I was in when I went with Rob Barr to the MET. His expression… The implications… The utter realization… that my Reality R… IS REAL.. 7:06 p.m. 76. Or better still in sunk in to me, that the battle between the Delusion Illusion “Lore” represented by Lorenzo and the combined power […]

25 Aug 2018

8/25/2018 21:38 – Facebook Post

There comes a point when you know that you are in a situation, a play and script which there is nothing which can be redeemed from it. There is no expression, no alchemy, no transformation of something which has gone so far in becoming an abomination. And that even if there was a Wizard Magician who could transform change the Abomination Monstrosity back to its original Beauty… That Wizard Magician so disgusted so shocked shaken to his core that not […]

25 Aug 2018

8/25/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

12:46 a.m. 8-25-2018. My Body is going crazy, I feel everthing.. One day what is really taking place within my body will be of interest to all… But that day is not today. And when that Day comes… it will be too late to offer that comfort which comes from understanding “Context” of what makes this Script Intentional… A Horror… Scope. 12:48 p.m When you truly grasp the meaning of the battle it took, and the riddles it took to […]

24 Aug 2018

8/24/2018 21:52 – Facebook Post

9:13 p.m I M.. 9:18 p.m. I Manifest. I R.. I Reflect.. I do not Project… I received some intel from Snow Tresmegistus… S T… The meaning of the play, and his being moved to contact me in perfect timing, can be seen in the code T.S.. and the meaning og his name which each time a Person arrives they are Manifest Reflections of that which I am the source of… Snow.. Snow Flake… Aturo Snow….? John Snow.. Sands.. of […]

24 Aug 2018

8/24/2018 10:52 – Facebook Post

9:06 a.m. 8-24-2018. 96 D.M…. Dark Matter .. Light and Dark… and their Source Day Light. also known as Transparent Light… T L.. ( B E E T L E… J U..I C .. E.) Space in between caled the “A G A P E” which connects us, the Space to Converse Breathe.. and Express. H -B D ( X) T R… I was reading an artcile in the New York Times by the Astrologer Susan Miller… “She always has […]