

18 Sep 2018

9/18/2018 20:40 – Facebook Post

From Jessica Doe She has at this moment 232 Facebook Friends… See my sacred portal 132… It shows a Brother and sister Dancing.. She emerges from within me… 232 132… 8:32 p.m… There is only one sister of mine she is from within me… rose… 7-28-64… 11-28… 6..O.. to 69/ 96 .O6 E ME KA KOLO.. 88… 16 Dawn Piercy… 64.. My sisters code.. F D.. Linked to Roger Attaway… R D A… 8:39 p,m.. We Dance… W D… Original […]

17 Sep 2018

9/17/2018 9:47 – Facebook Post

My word… Happy Birthday… !! So involved with the solving of this riddle, that I was not aware that it was your Birthday…. And at the same time a date so relevant to this Script and in deed, every one who ever existed and is about to Rise Transform through this truly, truly complex unraveling.. ( I am exhausted. ) 9-16.. ? The very day I came to Delta Manor- really Delta Quadrant… To this ultimate challenge… To bed 5-019.. […]

15 Sep 2018

9/15/2018 20:36 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m. From Susan Otelia Nelson…G..E.. Good Grief… just how far will this demand of me to fix…? Yesterday, when I went with Kyle Murphy ( Robert ) to pick up the Y..B.E code sent my Roger Attaway, R.A… I found a book marker with Snow Flakes.. There were quite a few of them, but the rep reflection of 6th sense in this play linked to my Sister Nnoyelum’s frequency 7-28,… Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon line…and now +Delta portal he was […]

14 Sep 2018

9/14/2018 8:54 – Facebook Post

From Chinecherem Hope C H… 3 8… The numbers 2 and 7 appeared on my page.. Ms Hope has 51 Facebook friends… Can you read these codes, do you see you the play works linked to each post which proceeded before…. See the codes 38… 27 51… Consciousness Harmony… B G… Blue Green … 51 E A.. ANT… :Flower.. Hurricane Florence… link Florence Naggayi.. F N… Florence means “Flower” I really have no desire to continue teaching these codes to […]

14 Sep 2018

9/14/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

12:16 a.m. 9-14-2018. L.P. I N … T R… B O ..A.H. 18 42… That is the number I heard a manager call out when I got so irritatted with evil manner of this script of lies decieption of an eqaution which had has long since been resolved. 18 42 is my Bed, and represents sacred portal 42… Buddha power of Ohm.. As you know I have been made to be stuck on that equation of Room 4B since 2019/2017… […]

13 Sep 2018

9/13/2018 1:09 – Facebook Post

12:02 p.m I saw this, and I just said “Now way” to myself… I read it in a second… The meaning ( more work of posting and linking) and just incredulity… just how far can this play go and demand of me…? This Riddle Script is so elaborate and intricate and and really beautiful but annoying me by its lack of consideration…. I saw this, Post From Rachael Devon Rios Sessions R D R S Beautys Way… B W… Then […]

12 Sep 2018

9/12/2018 21:50 – Facebook Post

7:52-3 p.m. G: E B… G: E C… 9-12-2018… Sigh this play should have been over… I believe I am waiting till Friday perhaps.. a completion of a play with Roger Attaway.. Elephant -Memory… E M.. E.L.E..P.H.. ANT…Anthony Manino… bed 5-001… 51.. He and I were the only ones who sat were left sitting outside last night after I completed a post yesterday and noted that the time was 1;51 a.m. E.A.. 51… I eventually left and only ANT remained […]

11 Sep 2018

9/11/2018 12:14 – Facebook Post

11:30 a.m. 11-09-2018. Hello… Today, I have to admit that I am exhausted… 17 years ago almost to the day my Bristish Passport was stolen and I knew that it was the begining of a mission, which I had observed that the intensity of the first part of my life was training me for. I knew I was meant to come to New York, as early as the time I was a boy. I knew it afer I wrote the […]

10 Sep 2018

9/10/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

12:01 a.m 9-10-2018 Contd. How extraordinary that Anthony Manino being the one person to give me 5 usd as a loan was the one and only portal for me to get that money- ( and yes that need created, a play created all to create an outcome a choice in a riddle, which in itself is clear).. ..But imagine that being the literal correct answer and opens the portal to a reality which no one, not any one even the […]

09 Sep 2018

9/9/2018 11:52 – Facebook Post

10:28 p.m. I have no Doubt. That is one of the reasons I went to the end of the Script. I just finsihed reading a comment by Susan Otelia Nelson. I found it condescending, but that may be unintentional or simply the Human Ego which refuses to acknowledge the truth of those before us, and prove that you are just like them. I am not like you, because this is how far I went to prove a truth which I […]