

30 Sep 2018

9/30/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

6:28 p.m. 9-30-2018… F:H B I C O…T R… Fact Harmony Be… Infinity Consciousness Perfection -Symmetry=Transparent Reflections… Hello…. I realized that I had 1.63 usd with me, not 1.53 usd. The relevance in the game of Numbers, and Perfection as perfect timing determined by this script, is obviously of the utmost importance. Everything seems to be based on the Numbers aligning to the Meaning which I have been tested. After all, Amazon and Apple are now Trillion Dollar companies- 12 […]

30 Sep 2018

9/30/2018 11:44 – Facebook Post

From Anita Woods Lu Smith Sept 26.. 9:49…. 9-26… I-Z… I D I…. A W i am not sure just if people knew just how literal this is…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Sep 2018

9/29/2018 2:00 – Facebook Post

From Robbie Davidson R.D I have moved from Roger Dean Attaway ( Roger Attaway) R.D.A. Roger Delta Alpha To R.D. Robert David. Just took over Roberto Munoz seat.. he made it available. 12:39 p.m. Bean offered me his seat at the computer… I saw besides Randall Michael I kept staring at his body- so familair… narrow…. I am tired of thid riddle, but my body, is changing fighting for release… This seat was made available… by Robert and the first […]

27 Sep 2018

9/27/2018 9:01 – Facebook Post

A face I recognize…. From Gabriel Binky Signar Link Anthony Bienke A G… G A….. Guadalupe Anthony The name Guadalupe is of Spanish origin. The meaning of Guadalupe is “river of black stones”. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is “river of the wolf”. Meaning & History From a Spanish title of the Virgin Mary , Nuestra SeƱora de Guadalupe , meaning “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. Guadalupe is a Spanish place name, the site of a famous […]

26 Sep 2018

9/26/2018 21:46 – Facebook Post

9:22p.m. 9-26-2018… I.V.. I Victor @ 4.. Delta Dawn. I to Z… B .F… T R.. B.O.. A.H.. # Hash Tag… Your It… ME-TOO.. MT. This current “Me Too’ Movement is not the true ascension picture of Woman ASCENDING. It is but a poor, pale version of the real thing, which had to go back to origins for it to truly manifest as the true Ascension of the De-Vine Sacred Feminine… Back to origins which began with the Y… Male […]

26 Sep 2018

9/26/2018 20:47 – Facebook Post

From Rachael Devon Rios Sessions Beautiful Reflection… F R B… This was shared 11:07 am, 117.. K G… 711..Seven Eleven.. 7 11…74= 11… 7 11… 18… Bed 18… 11 7.. 77… 14.. N.. 49… N..DI… E.. M… E D… E D.. I.. 45…9 711 Linked to Kyle Murphy Robert… full Circle linked to Rachel… Matt Lic… M.L.. 13 12… 25… Y… Male manifested SHE… Through Perfect Reflections … And Perfect Expression… P R.. P E… 16 18… 34… 7 12… […]

26 Sep 2018

9/26/2018 19:13 – Facebook Post

From Amy McTear.. A.M. See sacred Portal 87.. Returning the Children of Man Wo-Man back to their Senses and Sensei’s” And so it is done and true manifestation has begun… I.V.C… I Victorious Conscious….. Inner Voice Victorious Inspiration.. Creation one Constant Cee.. To reach this Voice through all the other voices the illusion of your fractured Soul and Sol creates.. You must listen to them all, play them like the Universal Harmonics when you have heard all of their points […]

26 Sep 2018

9/26/2018 9:20 – Facebook Post

From Dawn Piercy Beautiful Cat Lady Fairy… Recall the Story of Pi…? and Charlie Parker.. The Tiger… And Tiger Woods recent Victory after 5 years… And my mentioning my Grandmother Lucy who remembered the realm of Paradise how she looks like a Tigress… And add titles ‘Mother of Dragons’ and ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” Nabakov’s ‘Lolita” .. and “Le Femme Nikita” “Nike’ messenger of Victory. Nepthyts; the Vine of 8 types. Nepthytis the Egptian Goddess and her twin […]

25 Sep 2018

9/25/2018 21:33 – Facebook Post

8:02 p.m. 9-25-2018… No one decides who passes through the portal of the E.. Sacred Portal 43… E= CMe 4/3… No Script, no person, being seen or unseen, Supernatural, Natural or E.T… No one decides but me. Lets get that straight. I moved through this Script because in a way, I had no choice- but to see just how far this script would go… I did the codes of transformation in which you were used by your Ancestors to try […]

24 Sep 2018

9/24/2018 0:18 – Facebook Post

12:16 a.m. From Gabriel Binky Signar. Exactly… Truth… 12:17 a.m. They know what they do.. and did. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here