

13 Oct 2018

10/13/2018 15:56 – Facebook Post

From Jennifer Cone J C. Happy Birthday…. Today is also Robert Kyle Murphy birthday… 13-10-2018… M J… T R… U E… J M… Jump Man… Mario Brothers… 2016. Leap Year… Every 4 years… 4 16… D.P… Dawn Piercy d.o.b… 9-16-1976… My arrival at Delta Manor… 9-16-2016… Jump Man .. Mario Brothers M B… Mario and Luigi.. M L Micheal Jordan…M J… Jump Man…. J M.. MJ/ JM Quantum Mechanics “Flash Gordon … Super Man” Quantum Leap… Quantum Jump… Q Qunatum […]

13 Oct 2018

10/13/2018 13:38 – Facebook Post

???? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Oct 2018

10/13/2018 13:29 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge No, It was not a Cosmic Joke. It was meant to be a Play Dantes Divine Comedy Dante means “Enduring” An Enduring Divine Comedy.. E D C…/ C D E… It was meant to be Fun… Even Funny. The Joker was the King playing the Fool who goes on a journey undercover into the Play walking through the stories woven, to lighten that,and those who were taking too seriously his play- Fun… The Riddler.. in the realm […]

13 Oct 2018

10/13/2018 0:53 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander D.I.. AN A.H. ART EMI S Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Oct 2018

10/12/2018 21:37 – Facebook Post

ITS A GAME…! Gaming …World. As you can see I still have not been able to come to terms with what I have known since 2011 that the Evolution Awakening had been transformed into a Video Game… And an Alpha Bet.. A.B. With Hackers and truly a sophisticated format, in which all my expression and all Knowledge was scrambled and a play thrown back at me to link Eternal Knowing to Knowing Explained as Knowledge Wisdom Light. I.K.W.L..I.. *See that…? […]

12 Oct 2018

10/12/2018 20:19 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic The Supermen Lovers ( Feat. Mani Hoffman… F..H.M.) Starlight…. Ha…here is the the whole story of 11 63… A-A…K-..First Contact at the arrival at the point of moving through the full circle of Existence- back to First Contact And that is the true story of Pi.. And my evidence of the E line being of the Boogie.. Music and Dance.. I C …T P. /K A G E…115 A G E… 8:18 p.m. H R. Hampton Renee […]

12 Oct 2018

10/12/2018 19:40 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins From my personal experience… There were so many messengers.. of this kind, that W.E realized that there was no point in healing that which allowed itself to be so diseased and instead of using the tools provided to heal themselves, instead their loads on the backs of thoroughbred horses ( Messengers of the Wind), turning the symbol of the Human Spirit into Pack Mules and Beast of Burden and sent it to the ones who did stay […]

12 Oct 2018

10/12/2018 9:12 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic The Night and Knights in Shinning Armour of “Amor” This post is very important and relevant You might notice that I met Isabell through a sacred portal and code 42 which linked to Dawn Piercy and to me in room 4B. In Fact the whole End Script of which I have applied my Art and Science to resolve has been based on this sacred portal, after whch we move to the end… Sacred Portal 43 Door Of […]

12 Oct 2018

10/12/2018 1:31 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge WHY…? 36 Likes on this post 6 comments and 12 Shares… 36 6 12… 360 Full Circle F .L… FlorIda… 27 state… The Sun Shine State.. F L O W… F L O O R… Ground the Consciousness of the E,T… Extra Terrestrials Eternal Truth… I am the 37th line. 6-7comments ( including this) and 13th Share. Heaven and Hell is your invention.. H H… 8 8… EMEKA K O L O…= 35 53… 8 8… Mddle […]

11 Oct 2018

10/11/2018 19:36 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge We are not here to in a popularity contest, we were here to Evolve back to Origins… And even if it meant dragging the Children of Our Selves and transforming the Adult version of ourselves- Angels and Demons -kicking and screaming all the way back to Y.. So be it… That is what love looks like… Ask any Parent or true big brother or big sister… -But it must be done Beautifully, even our rage, even our […]