

18 Oct 2018

10/18/2018 2:02 – Facebook Post

2:02 a.m. 22 V Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2018

10/18/2018 1:33 – Facebook Post

From Amy McTear A/M As I told Dawn Piercy when she got a ticket on the road.. First in 18 years… me Bed 18… for going 4 miles over the speed linit.. Delta means 4.. ‘He was riding my ass”… Pay attention! 200USD… To what Emeka is saying… He is the one and you of all people should know… He knows that you do not really see or acknowledge his true I.D..Despite all the evidence… She was also being negative.. […]

18 Oct 2018

10/18/2018 1:25 – Facebook Post

I will start posting from here… A series posts appeared on my Facebook New Stream. This has been happening more and more… I will share from where the ‘Logos” starts… This begins with the Time it was posted 12:53 a.m. 12 means completion in my codes as in One Year. D… E.C… I am at Delta… Thus teh alignment is less the meaning in this reality but rather its meaning as alignment, 12:16 a.m. That lets me know where we […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 21:09 – Facebook Post

Sacred portal 107.. 10-17-2018… “7;00….The release of Universal Idea of Clarity U.I.C.. End of your Shitty Expression Bring forth Beautiful Expression… 25.. 25 Y And From Out of the Blue.. Venom E…” Do you see how it works Busayo Alonge and Isabelle Ilic? They made me Equate each equation to the Script reflected back at me by the Facebook Friends aligned with the play… 70,000 Years… G O O O O.. G 4… Summit..? G O D… 8:53 p.m Eminem […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 20:29 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal C.E…The Point… Witnessed and played out by Jace Horsford Jace Kasim Hortsford… J K H… Reflecting 1011 8… C.I… E Galaxy… 8:28 p.m. 8:29 PM. 11-29-66/67/68/69… 11-29-63… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 19:48 – Facebook Post

Here is my Sacred Portal 28. Hermes he is called by some… Thoth by others.. Thoughts which Fly and Effect reality… Eros… Cosmic Egg.. H..T..E..C. E… T H E C E… Busayo Alonge do you see how I link and weave using the posts from the pool of Face book friends who share … 11:28 88 16…7..13 4… Victory , Victor Victorious Victoria Anus Sun A… Arrival of Victorious Energy…. Now with a Quantum leap of 23- 4/5 steps.. and […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 11:23 – Facebook Post

11:03 p.m. 11 O 3…. K O C… C.O K… 10-17-2018… Hello.. The number 17 has been appearing non stop since I went to bed, realizing that I had 17 U.S.D in my wallet. 17 On my page, 17 announced on TV.. ‘Looking for bed 17’ announced the Security Guard…. 17 is Q…. Qunatum Jump.. Quantum Leap… Yestderday with Kyle Ant and Mark… and then D… G D N…. E..G… D N E…. / E N D G E….. END […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 11:03 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Thank you for this post…. The Fire is Haleys Comet… Nikki Haley. Halle Berry.. Haille Marshall Dantes Inferno D I.. A Play took play with Dawn Piercy yesterday which she later realized was her mis understanding an action which led to her action which turned out to be in perfect harmony with the script but which she sent me a message later, mirroring in perfection the same Cure, which Isabelle Ilic had offered so gracefully… Isabelle Ilic […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 10:20 – Facebook Post

Tarana Burke…. T B… Alyssa Milano…. M T. Truth Beautiful. Awareness Manifest Tarana means Born in the Day Time… See my Sacred Portal 53 “One Day Has Come” Burke means “Fortification: Alyssa means “Noble Light.. “Day Time” Wanderer… ( The Elegant Nomad) it also means ‘Rational” and “Sane” As used in Western countries, the name is usually derived from the name of the flower alyssum. The name of the flower derives from the Greek ?- a- (“not”) and ????? lyssa […]

17 Oct 2018

10/17/2018 1:10 – Facebook Post

1:03 a.m. A O C… J C… 10-13-69… 41.. D.I… Emeka David Ikemefuna… I… IS A BELLE VUE…. Incredible…. This is the battle I was speaking about… The E.T Battle .. but is was the paased .. It was won already… E Ros e… Rose… The Eternals.. the E… I was asked to recount how the E came into Exstence and why the E.Harmony is the only frequency which True Creation could support, the story as Robert Kyle Murphy mentioned […]