

23 Oct 2018

10/23/2018 0:43 – Facebook Post

From Gabriel Binky Signar… Ah… Anthony Bienke Gabriel Binky Signar .. but you know and I know that there are so few, so few who respect the Truth. Look at this reality, Look at the Depth of Hypocrisy, the level of Hypocrisy, the posts on Facebook, The Empty words, The perverted self projections… The refusal to really do the work to come Clean… A Universe of Lies… Of in God we TRUST… Who puts thier money where thier mouth is? […]

22 Oct 2018

10/22/2018 20:34 – Facebook Post

From Dzidula Offiong D O… He sent me this today, The force moving through my body has become so intense that I finally realized today as I sat at Taylor Avenue – fighting to align it… its twisting which I have endured for 17 years non stop, a quiet agony made worse by the fact that I knew that only one force in existence has the power to do this to me… GOD..or the one playing God. You notice that […]

22 Oct 2018

10/22/2018 9:53 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Hermes Mercury… H M… Harmony Manifests Logos Order Venus Expression… Mercury Venus… L O V E… M V Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Oct 2018

10/22/2018 7:07 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Oct 2018

10/21/2018 21:40 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte and Spiritual Support Coach, Manette Mays with Light Warriors, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world for the Venus Global Activations on Saturday, October 20th at 12pm PT. All Activations are recorded and available for Replay at the Event URL.” Q H…. M B…. M.M… L W…. G.W…. ( Light workers.. Lorenzo Widget on the bed formerly 4-016… NOW 4-015… Meaning After I was on that bed it creation shifted moved to […]

21 Oct 2018

10/21/2018 12:13 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic Align Souls Purpose…. A S P… Perfection… Naturally refining and filtering throughst and expressions with the pause/ P.N= C.O… M E Perfection Naturalness created Consciousness of Perfection The Full Circle… Facts Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Oct 2018

10/20/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

See Sacred Portal 12 Busayo Alonge Isabelle Ilic.. Look. it is a Holograme… 12 1 2 … L A B… The play ended with Robert Currin.. Link to Robert Kyle Murphy.. I sat down today at Starbucks… Randall Michael was seated where I normally seat… ( Game of Thrones..) I sat first to his left then a place was made available to his right and then he left and I took my “Right ful place” L R C… Left Right […]

19 Oct 2018

10/19/2018 8:59 – Facebook Post

Happy Birthday Ol’ Chap… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2018

10/18/2018 20:43 – Facebook Post

The Cosmic Ship Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2018

10/18/2018 20:43 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here