

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 2:44 – Facebook Post

From Adam Christopher.. But they would not Listen They would not hear. They stayed awake Pretending to sleep and got hypnotized by the story Narrated by a Voice called Universe Supreme And on the flight through 9 months in space They had nightmares 2:42 a.m Of no longer know if they were real or not This was a dream or real And ah… that is how unity and harmony first came as Chaos and Confusion.. CH. A Eos.. (Dawn Eo) […]

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 1:24 – Facebook Post

12:16 a.m Completion of 16.. P. The moment I decided that “I was goig in” Into this post ( Universal Play U.P.) I saw Stephen Filgueira like something I posted I observed the numbers on my Facebook Page move from 1 2 i Facebook Request and 1 Comments to 3 1 2 A. B. Busayo Alonge B A.. ( Its a Yoruba Name by the way just as mine is OINri Igbo but we are both beyond that play despite […]

02 Nov 2018

11/2/2018 13:43 – Facebook Post

1:21 p.m. S.P 121… This Is My Nightmare… S.P 33… You do not Listen or Hear Truth. Not even the Beautiful Truth of YOUR Existence; Ideas Dreams Actions Expressions Facts from your Youth Eternal Fountain. E.F . 5 6.. 11.. 2. That is what Isabelle Ilic really sent me a text about a vision of hers real… Will Hunnitpercent Real Of She and A Man Man Woman Female Male Being bathed in a Fountain of Youth. In Extase Bliss.. My […]

02 Nov 2018

11/2/2018 12:20 – Facebook Post

From Fox-e Luna Inariusagi sent to me at 11:43 a.m. Dzidula Offiong sent his image at 11:33 a.m. Fox Lady…. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Nov 2018

11/2/2018 12:09 – Facebook Post

11:28 p.m. 11/2/2018… Hello, I almost lost it today when Isabelle Ilic was used to ask me a question which has almost driven me insane with fury and frustration. She asked me why I did not simply walk away. Elephant in the Room… My body is Possessed… Like Poltergiest The only reason ( apart from the ETERNAL TRUTH) THAT I HAVE NOT WALKED AWAY. IS WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO MY BODY, MY BEING AND MY ENTIRE LIFE AND EXISTENCE. […]

02 Nov 2018

11/2/2018 10:18 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Yes that is me in the center in my current energetic for but my current physical body though still strong has been drained from playing the Avatar and Direct Descendants of these Beings in a Epic Battle of Supremacy of the E line aliging the Gods to Harmony instead of War… Gods and Titans G T..I.. Car… Erik Ebright… Ethereals and Elementals… It has been going on in the Unseen Realm Astral Plane… A.P Original Facebook Post […]

02 Nov 2018

11/2/2018 9:00 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Eternal Present Is The Moment. E.P ..T M. 5 16… 21… U… 3 C T M 20 13.. 33.. 6 F 36 Fritz Venneiq age code.. 9 I. Twin Lions… Stephen Filgueira Fritz Venneiq and in the center myself.. 33 usd 33 Oregon State. 66…. Sacred Portal 33 99… See my sacred portal 66 and 99… 12..18… 3 9. C.I. Busayo Alonge is literally giving me Home Work He is unknowingly being used to buy more time. […]

01 Nov 2018

11/1/2018 15:37 – Facebook Post

12:43 a.m. 11-1-2018 (11) “11-1-11″ This is easy to read. Date & Time. D.T. 4 20. Stephen Filgueira code Gift. Age code 34 C.D. Sacred Portal 34. Cannabis Weed. C.W. Cecilia Wiebers. Cleveland Warren. D A T.. DA. Truth T=20… link sacred portal 20. Lady ECHO” played now by Isabelle Ilic. E C. 5 3. 3+5=8 H… Light O 1-7 colors, then back to Light and 8. The Magician Tarot. Ancient Egyptians invented the Tarot- Tarok. “House of Cards” Kevin […]

31 Oct 2018

10/31/2018 20:59 – Facebook Post

7:28 p.m. From Busayo Alonge 7-28 is my Sister ( Bio ) Birth Day… code 64 to 65.. Evolved back to herself.. It is because of the code I read through the “Other” Algorithm which I am using on Facebook as an Interface… 13 likes .. no 14… 2 comments and 6 shares.. M… N… 2 6… F B… I shifted the bracelet which I “found” with the words “Best Friend” which my older facebook Followers of this W.A.V,E…S Yes […]

31 Oct 2018

10/31/2018 16:39 – Facebook Post

See.. Ha. And the 3 Graces.. Of Destruction A M. U S E.. I played Apollo… Black White Apollo ORCALE.. O RA. CLE… O Ra Jahs Key.. You were right Stephen Filgueira Oracle of Delphi And Ifa….EFA… APOLLO. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here