

04 Nov 2018

11/4/2018 22:30 – Facebook Post

From Graca Pimentel II G P II… 7 16 99… By the Ancient Masons… Look at that- as if the stone was melted then molded and contoured to this form. And imagine this as the true representation of the Wall in the Truman Show.. The wall of Death… Forgetting which one must cross over to Awakened Memory. 8:39 p.m. You have to walk through.. or see through the “Peter” Yes the Two Peters ( T P) at the center of […]

04 Nov 2018

11/4/2018 19:54 – Facebook Post

6:37 p.m. From Maryanne Savino. That number code is SHE sacred portal 37. I am at 6:38..39 p.m. right now My coffee from the Arab Bodega. 6:40;p.m. 64 88… 64. It is as if the quiet fury of Being set up once again in a potential violent and always insulting play set up undercover, even now at the evidence of evolution of consciousness is present. 6:42 p.m. 64 was my bio sisters code- her vessel used to ride the tide […]

04 Nov 2018

11/4/2018 14:24 – Facebook Post

From Nicholas Alexander Sanchez. 1:18 p.m. And that is exactly had to do with Everything seen behind the Spped of “C” Lights point of View. Rising to the point of frequency of First Manifest Creations speed and beyond. And have it move through me and make its Narrator and Biographer as I publicly wrote down in front of you ..its point of you. While proving that there is nothing wrong with Creation and you would see that to, if you […]

04 Nov 2018

11/4/2018 12:45 – Facebook Post

From Marie Jose Pinoia .. And these Rainbow Warriors were the Family of the Eternals who came undercover first as Light Beings, then as Colors…Wave Lengths Time… and I am Delta The 4th Colors of Spectrum, did a journey from Green Street Soho a place called The Green House, which I inspired people to come together to create art to reveal hidden intel from the Eternal Realm, The Spirit of Light realm, and then from the Rainbow Children which is […]

04 Nov 2018

11/4/2018 2:09 – Facebook Post

The Day I met up with Stephen Filgueira. After he left, I sat at starbucks.. Recall what I found on the seat near the Wood Section of the Cafe? A Book Mark. It was from the Lion King. ‘In the Papa Jungle be a Lion work your tail off, while others are lying on thier backs” -To My Unborn. This is from the Jungle Book.. J B.. Johnson Leland Brooke Lee Lemery J B.. It is not from the Lion […]

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 11:03 – Facebook Post

From Tz Patoboy 11:00 p.m. See the code… Tz and Ugo amd 76 people liked this .. 18 Comments. See the Code: T U… 76…. 18 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 10:59 – Facebook Post

From Tz Patoboy T P… 20 16… Yes 2016 .. 9-16-2016 Full Circle 2 Years B. Bed 5-019 Room 5B Bed 3-002 Room 3A 5 3 19 3 ( 21) 5 3 B A. 8 3 8 B A C.K… E.H..M…D E E F A H! 10:58 a.m. T.P has 23 41 face book friend as of this moment… 3 mutual. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 10:42 – Facebook Post

The Pleasure Principle… T P P P O… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 10:28 – Facebook Post

I started out writing the first codes and inent in 2004 whith a Black Quill that was 14 years ago Halloween 57th and 33rd Street in 2004. 24 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Nov 2018

11/3/2018 10:18 – Facebook Post

Kyle Murphy gave me some C.B.D. oil mixed in his Vape to smoke tasted three the best was Honey Milk.. H M. Sacred Portal 15 ( XV) The correct version of Goat O. and Pan.. P.G. ‘The Jolly Green Giant comes down from the Mountains bringing with him the Land of Milk and Honey” 10:18 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here