

11 Nov 2018

11/11/2018 2:19 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Ah a perfect Echo Reponse to my own Expression and then Investigated Confirmed P.T.S.D. Intentionally Delusional I.D. The prefer… Comfortably Non Existent. 1:19 a.m. A.S. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2018

11/10/2018 22:41 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge.. I was just completing the Equation you posted of Pi. But as 3.1446055110293 144.O 3.144 60 5. 511. O2 93 .. C N D ..6O. Roger and Aturo. 5-E. E Harmony 58 5 11 E.K.. O.2.. TWO Beings O.B. 969… Dark Matter…24…One Day.. 3..C.. 31 Golden State. 44.. Wyoming… To 8 South Carolina..8th. Total Solar Eclipse.. Moved by the Source E… Expression. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2018

11/10/2018 13:41 – Facebook Post

14:40 1 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Nov 2018

11/10/2018 13:14 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 93…. Response! 9=Letter I… 3= C.. I.C… It reads ” The sweetest perfume, the music, love and sex of the Arising Arousal “Open See same ME! J’ai vouz Attendu.. Emeka I have heard you, Alehandro Alex Defender of MAN..- The Beautiful egg (BE) or the Rotten Egg (RE) Perfume (Cologne) or Stench… Choose.. Recall the letter P was left by someone in my locker… P perfume… Grey Flannel G.F..76… Which is the money I left with Yesterday night..7 […]

09 Nov 2018

11/9/2018 22:23 – Facebook Post

6:28 p.m. 11-9-2018. Alexander, Alexander The Great was who Stephen Filgueira appeared to me as we spoke on the phone today. It was not that he was Alexander the Great, he is Stephen Filgueira of this reality, and those characters whom I recognized from the blue print we the Eternal indented in this play and the DNA as well as the into the Hologram. Which were then translated and through time transformed into Its barely recognizable present incarnation…. 6:33 p.m. […]

09 Nov 2018

11/9/2018 17:37 – Facebook Post

The great oracle ?????????????? Your mind and your stomach is intimately connected .To control a people,you must first change their diet.This throws their behavior and reaction partterns off . It introduces new feelings and cravings that they now have to entertain, the one controlling the people plays the role of satisfying these cravings and establishes a psychosomatic relationship between himself and the conquerd people . If you change the diet, the mind also changes, why do you think they call […]

09 Nov 2018

11/9/2018 3:03 – Facebook Post

Am I playing one more scene..? Which story this time… Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors whith his Brother Younger self, is past? Now Equalled as E. But only one as E.N. E O E. N.E.O E C. N.E O…H.. O H M. Joe served Stephen Filgueiraand I at Nur… Light broken down through a Prisim Diamond reveals what is is composed of Waves Lengths… which align and link to sound. Joseph mans “To add, to increase.. symbol + […]

08 Nov 2018

11/8/2018 23:50 – Facebook Post

10:23 p.m. Isabelle Ilic Stephen Filgueira.. Do you see the Mermaid to the Stag Kings Left my Right? And the winged “Chi-Nna” Girl… ? Starbucks Siren.. We. “Mer- M..A.I.D.” Chin Nna- Girl *See movie-book, “Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” ( G. W.T.. D.T… Woods Therieriot Park.. 4 20..D.T.. ) And Stag-E. H.P. Harry Potter. Harmonious Planet Harmony Perfection 8-16- 1984 you in life here on stage. 8-16-1984 Date of Birth on face book.. 8-16-1984… H.P.. Harmony Perfection.. Already I.S. 1984 […]

08 Nov 2018

11/8/2018 14:00 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge B.A. And so was infinity born from within, the Eternal Being, from expression which streamed through him even in hat nothingness- which was never a void. For there He lay even in that stillness of Nothings wrong every thing chill which later became Perfection’s Name. And Perfection was expressing even in that nothingness untl that One Being became aware when the echo of his expressed had come full circle back as Energies Name, And so did energy […]

07 Nov 2018

11/7/2018 17:11 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton. Happy Birthday! H.B. A.H.B. Adding A AS Awareness Harmonious Being. 4:00 p.m. D.O.O. Delta. I.D is not a Shelter in the Bronx. It is A Harmonious Being. I got up at 8:16 a.m. 8-16… is Stephen Filgueira’ s Birthday. And I am meeting him at 4:30 p.m. 43 D.C. A Harmonious Being. AH! Beauty! Even within this Tester of Satanic cruelty and persistent evil to create, instigate with constant meddling of the Completion of the Original […]