

24 Nov 2018

11/24/2018 11:39 – Facebook Post

King Stag. Sacred Portal 111. “Home Coming” H.C. 8 3. Hartford Connecticut H.C. 8 3. American Spirits A.S. Art Science This is the sculpture in front of my hotel room 904, a room with a beautiful view, 44 Aysulm A.v.,all arranged by Stephen Filgueira on Thanks Giving Day. Do you recall that I mentioned that Stephen has a stag tatoo. And that 180 Tremont station to Delta Manor has a Stag, and if you add e to Stage we get […]

24 Nov 2018

11/24/2018 0:58 – Facebook Post

From Ugochukwu Mgbeoduruchinaka Chinenyeze U.M.C. Chinua Achebe… The Center Did Hold… it did. .. I knew him when I lived in Nigeria… He was an ‘Uncle”- Friend of the Family… The Second Coning… The Riddle-like the Creation Story of the O.INri- lay in understand Anya-Wu- Eternal Expression of Sunshine on a Spotless Mind. Obiekwe Ifu-Nnanya. 11:58 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

22 Nov 2018

11/22/2018 14:52 – Facebook Post

12:58 p.m. Sacred Portal 85. 11-22-2018. Thanks Giving Day. Cecilia David… 11 22, 1968, 1947. C.D. Emeka Nnamdi =Source E and Stephen Filgueira. Aka Spirit Energy and Devi Heart. S.E…D. H S E E D.. Of Harmony. When you plant a seed and nourish it with love and attention: Truth as Transparency Rain, Light Clarity, Conversation warm- Sunshine, Awareness as knowledge which becomessolid ground to walk on-Facts and Devotion to its care and growth, seeds of consciousness create the scene […]

21 Nov 2018

11/21/2018 17:12 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge 33 u sd from Fritz Venneiq Stephen at the 33rd State on 2017.. Oregon’s during the Total Solar Eclipse 33 C C.. Consciousness Creation C at Speed of True Light of the 123 Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening” Saved portal 76. SS SS. 19 19 19 19. Supremacy North East West South. N.E.W.S.. S.P 104. All through Natural Reflections Expresed and refining it as I went along.. To manifest perfection in this World. 4-8-16-20-24- 28-32..36.. […]

21 Nov 2018

11/21/2018 13:03 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Nov 2018

11/21/2018 0:23 – Facebook Post

10:47.. 48 p.m. 11-20-2018. 11-2O- 11.. K B O K… Link Kelsie Bissell… Representing the O.K. And Victoria Jackson the Victory having been reached a a few true men of understanding the Feminine Point of View Mind. And Body.. Arousal…Desire.. and merge them in to one to understand what she desires… The Truth TT. Pi Cecilia Nnoyelum.. C N.. 3.14. Chukwuemeka Nnamdi C.N. 3.14. Canada 1972-1977.. Nigeria from 1977 – 1988. C.N. 3.14. Pi… Mother Daughter Mother Sister.. Sister Sister. […]

20 Nov 2018

11/20/2018 22:26 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 47. 8;52 p.m. See Sacred Portal 52… “Authority Granted the SHE B.A’S to the true Source of Existence proven through their testing and their play. Link Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson. K V.. 11 22 Cecilia David… I am David.. I am Chukwuemeka and I played my mothers aspects Cecilia… C D… 3 4.. 47 Is the code from Victoria Jackson. 44 47… 44 Is Goddess Bliss.. Rising from the Sea to see Desire Harmony… 47 is the […]

20 Nov 2018

11/20/2018 19:41 – Facebook Post

From Stephen Filgueira L.A M B.. G O A T… L G.. 12 7… 19 84…. L I O N… L L 12 12.. 24… 6… L G L… Full Circle… 12 7 12… 31… California Golden State is the 31st State.. Golden Patron Tequila was bought yesterday. ( G P.T…..Golden “Ratio” Perfect Timing” G had to be included Goat O as the Passing through the Whole Hole… Anus Sun-A) Both our Birth years, his in this world and mine […]

20 Nov 2018

11/20/2018 15:33 – Facebook Post

3:52 p.m. C.E.B. 11-19-2018. 11 19. K S. A-A.S. Hello… 11:26 a.m. K-A-Z. 11:27 a.m. A-A.B.G. 11-20-2018. 11-20-11. K-T-K. 11-28 a.m. My Birth Day. 11:29 a.m. Number linked to StephenFilgueira- it is the code assigned to his home. 29= links to the 13th Astrological Sign. 13 is a Fiull Circle; 1-12 is a year. Jan to Dec. J.D. 1 -12+1=13 January to January J.J. 10 10 20 .T. B.O 2 O O is 15.. 1+5 is 6. 1 is Doe, […]

17 Nov 2018

11/17/2018 16:28 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge. It’s interesting, I was having a conversation with Stephen Filgueira, who made this comment. There is so much knowledge expressed now in the world, from Anceint Aliens to Mind Beings, E.M.Fields to the Human DNA being composed of sound. And quantum applications and it’s mechanics,. There is no doubt that we are the cusp of a massive Quantum Jump. William Dafoe has a new movie called “At Eternities Gate” (A.E.G.. / G E A. P.A.N..G E A.. […]