

21 Dec 2018

12/21/2018 2:54 – Facebook Post

I am so sick of people excuses for not doing the Work. 12:31 p.m. Those who did not acre that I was carrying enough, had done enough who use child like manipulation deception and control… Arguments and words to excuse themselves… Ego.. I am so sick of the Human Ego as the lie of what Ego means. And the arrogance which infects peoples purity…. I am sick of people forgetting, after I have gone beyond my exhaustion to death, over […]

20 Dec 2018

12/20/2018 23:55 – Facebook Post

10;36 p.m. Hello, I thought that this my interest you all… Its relates to the meaning of Bronwyn Julia Perisich Hodgkinson… Also called Bronwen or Branwyn, she is the Welsh goddess of Love and Beauty. Her name has been translated as ‘white-breasted’, ‘fair-breasted’, or ‘white raven’, and ravens and starlings are her animals. The Alder tree belongs to her. She was regarded as a moon goddess, as well as the Daughter of the Sea. Since her attributes are similar to […]

18 Dec 2018

12/18/2018 20:54 – Facebook Post

Literally.. BLUE Eternal City.. of Light… where is it? Right here.. you can not see it yet… It is was built in Eternity and then moved through the Astral Plane and the great Battle in the ‘Spirit realm Illusion” where it is not built and so now it will manifest and be built here… 7:50 p.m. 75 O… 75… 6… The entire Existence Creation is made of Natural Expression Six Sense… As I have proven.. moving all of you.. Everything […]

18 Dec 2018

12/18/2018 20:09 – Facebook Post

From Stephen FilgueiraFilgueira 7:07 p.m 77 Incredible… Fact. S P 77. Low Key. THOR.. Thor Lopez Thor is a Wolf .. 7:08 p.m 78. McKayla RaysRays 41 7 8. 7:09 pm 79 S P Blue Print of Existence Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Dec 2018

12/18/2018 20:06 – Facebook Post

7:04;p.m G O.D. How Apt. From Stephen Filgueira. Jay E. Ha… Oh yeah. 7:05 p.m 75 S.P. 75.. 7:06 pm. 76. S.P 76. The Sacred Portal of the Awakening Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Dec 2018

12/17/2018 22:50 – Facebook Post

The Big Question which has not been answered is Who is Emeka I Kolo? I know who I am .. and have figured out, or recognized all of you. But do you know who I am…? My Identity. My I.D. Have I solved the Riddles of Existence, and in doing so heralded become the Vanguard of a New Era. That this world is not real. And why am I still, undercover, dependent on others, after The Elephant in the Room […]

17 Dec 2018

12/17/2018 16:40 – Facebook Post

From Joey Evans Roll Tide Roll… R.T R.. A.S.S… W U P… N. Aug . Alabama 13… .. Its a code… R TR…is full Circle R T… Right…( meaning of Benjamin “Son of the Right Hand”) T R.. T=20th Letter… R=18th… 2018.. This years… That the Awakening is this Year… Total Recall… Limitlessness… awaken to the Consciousness and See of Infinity… A S.S… W.= 23.. Psalm 23… UP. N.. Natures Truth ( N T Nikolai Tesla) ASS A.S.S… Alexander Stephen […]

16 Dec 2018

12/16/2018 23:11 – Facebook Post

9:21 p.m. I U… I B A…I Being of Alpha… Awareness.. 12-16-2018. Completion 12-3… of 88 16..P. Perfection played out through a Universal Simulation Awareness Perfection Play of the Enders Game. The Game to End All set up in a Holographic Projections ( H P) Called the Matrix/Web..MW.69… T.=20… Evolves back to after proving the Non Existence of Zero by replacing it with the Circle Filled ( Void AGAPE.. A GAP.. Expression.. Harmonious. B O… 55 ID…94… Red Roof Plus […]

14 Dec 2018

12/14/2018 0:28 – Facebook Post

From Qusharia Aallah. Q.A. Anamla Qayin. Question & Answer. I would like to recount the True Expression of Eric James Murphy, A Vision True, linked to this image of this Being. But not today. But they are linked Thus Truth. 11:28 p.m. 11-28 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Dec 2018

12/9/2018 0:34 – Facebook Post

4:19 p.m. D.S. D harma Santana. Lotus Santana Jihitsu School ( Link confirmed Tom T. Liberty L. Harris B. H.B Victoria Jackson. V. Joseph Byron. J.B. Josh By-water. J.B. Stephen Filgueira S.F McKayla Rays M.R. Emeka 8 People 9 including myself. 89 (Met Mike R yesterday. He was born 98 9-9.) And Leornado the Cat. Jeff Sullivan Kelsie Bissell. Tree Sage Kim A.H. And the Aunt. 9.4 people. I.D. 9+4=13 M. 13 Manifestation M. The name of Harris Brother whom […]