

22 Jan 2019

1/22/2019 19:46 – Facebook Post

From Arinze Umeano. The Sword of Truth. S-Word.. Truth Supreme Word Play of the S 19 See sacred 19 and 149… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jan 2019

1/21/2019 15:37 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Jan 2019

1/20/2019 20:56 – Facebook Post

For those of you have recently lost a loved one and would like to make contact, I would suggest that you wait at least three months. Let the process of grief, bereavement, and recovery to take place and allow your emotions to settle and heal, as your emotions may become a barrier to making a connection as your aura will be agitated, it can make it hard for spirit to get through. Also, the spirit person needs a little time […]

19 Jan 2019

1/19/2019 22:05 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m 1-19-2019. @1219 Facebook Friends. Date and Time aligned. Sacred Journey. Hello. Yes, I am pissed by this Script and play. I always return to bliss and ecstasy, no one and nothing can stop me from ascending back to my home frequency. But the Source of my Fury and Rage is how far this Script has gone, and because of the Wave or Tidal Wave.. Tsunami actually, of the pathway I had to walk through world’s created by people […]

18 Jan 2019

1/18/2019 0:59 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge. Yes Beloved I.C. A.V. is here Rep by Alexa Vertefeuille. Link Alex Vidaud.. Tatoo Raises the Codes of the Dead through ” Ink Spell ” Ink Death Ink Hart..For D.. And Connect And I Cut. From the Film.. dropped on the editing floor Garbage Abyss.. No recycling Not this time.. No more. A V is the Feminine and Masculine rep of the line of the “Defender of Man proclaimed the One Awarness V..of the 5th Dimension proven […]

17 Jan 2019

1/17/2019 18:06 – Facebook Post

Crucified Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jan 2019

1/16/2019 13:47 – Facebook Post

Ah! Here She is This is from Facebook Memories Today. D.I.A N.A.H. A.R.T E M. I S. D.A. DARIUS ALEXANDER … D A. V. .. I.D… E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jan 2019

1/15/2019 19:18 – Facebook Post

From Olympia Ita 5″57 p.m. World From the 5th Dimension… Origins of Planet Earth.. IT S H E… And Father Nature did the journey through Time, Evolution even through the Illusion as Void and Zero with the Seed.. C Men… Sea Men who would one day make it back to the E realm now the Species named The Beautiful Harmonious expression of Naturalness of Being… E.. In Existence… H U E MAN KIND… 6:00 p.m. Darius Filgeria.. D F.. 4 […]

10 Jan 2019

1/10/2019 7:14 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jan 2019

1/9/2019 19:37 – Facebook Post

From Mimi Novic… M N… 13 14 Manifest Nature… 13 4… 14 5… 4 5… There is a painting Rays McKayla brought to the South Whitney house where I am staying… It is of a Paris setting, with Balloons. Less than a week ago, I spoke with Chiefy ( Tree Sage) who had a dream in which there were Hot Air Balloons… as Bombs. -A play took place a little later, in which I found myself rising in with Rays […]