

30 Jan 2019

1/30/2019 15:33 – Facebook Post

From Rick Sanchez R S. Logic and Common Sense Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2019

1/28/2019 9:32 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2019

1/28/2019 2:08 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Jan 2019

1/28/2019 0:50 – Facebook Post

Hello… I wish to express once more time, in total clarity as to what I am doing on Facebook. I have stated this many times, but unfortunately in this play of “Fear of Failure, Frustration ( F F F 6 6 6 The Real Beast) and Disappointment” used against me, I have to express again and again, as wave after wave of new Facebook Friends appear and since most do not have any inclination or are too lazy to go […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 22:56 – Facebook Post

8:35 p.m. Sheesh, my body rising now is killing me, I can not even leave the house…. This, by the way is meant to be good news…Smh.. 1222… Means Completion of 1-12 22=V… Victorious.. I do believe it links to Victoria Jackson public expression and the play with Kelsie Bissell which took part here, and of course Rays McKayla and Isabelle Ilic last play. I have given everybody credit, so that in the near future, when the worlds AMNESIA lifts, […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 20:34 – Facebook Post

5:28 p.m. 1-26-2019… E B H… A-Z A-BF.. T S… B O A…I. Let me just solve this one riddle quickly of who is the original Tree Sage T S… (Nothing to do with Kim really, he was used unknowlngly to challenge me, used by the Moors Pangea Ancient Magic… K A H…Over Soul.. Egypt… I AM E G Y P T… E G.U Y…PT.. ( U=21.. Universe Universal Understanding.. U U U .. 63.. F C/ 36.. C F..) […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 18:01 – Facebook Post

3:03 p.m 1-26-2019. A-Z …T S. Your Going to Miss me when I am gone. It’s a sad fact that this has almost become a law, something to be expected. That only when something or some one is gone that people appreciate. I.am called by the 4th 5th Dimension, The Forgotten One.. I did not Forget Others, or the E or anyone in this script, I give each person credit, naturally with enthusiasm and joy. I am aware that this […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 16:03 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge. Joy To The World. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 0:51 – Facebook Post

10:33 p.m. 1-25-2019…. 1222 Facebook Friends… TEN C C… A B E T S… A Bet as to who is Supreme… Alpha Bet City… 1222… A B B B…7..G. 12 22… A B V… 12 22… L V…. O ..V=5=E… Violet… LO V E… AB V… 1 2 22… A Being Victorious…V.5= E… All apply but the one correct aligns to the Script Embodied by Who in the End… Alex Vidaud Alexa Vertefeuille A V.. A V… Then the play […]

23 Jan 2019

1/23/2019 23:04 – Facebook Post

My father and I are one. ?? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here