

20 Feb 2019

2/20/2019 18:43 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 40 The Recovery of the Truth of the Africa Pangea Story” @ 12 40 Facebook Friends.. 5:42 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Feb 2019

2/20/2019 18:12 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 59.. ME OW! Ares Athena Diana David… Now link it to the play with the cat Leonardo.. and the Cat Sun Lion and Black Panther… LE O.. B P.. Ref Adam Waldron play.. Stephen, Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Rays McKayla… and myself Emeka Kolo.. And then link the extraordinary 6th sense of Stephen Filgueria’s post… In this one they are Two… A-A.. D-D.. But in his they are One.. S.H.E.. Yes Eric James Murphy the woman you showed […]

20 Feb 2019

2/20/2019 17:34 – Facebook Post

2:30 p.m. 2-20-2019.. 2 30… 23 O. B C O… W O.. B.TT S.. Beautiful Truth… Is the GATE WAY Of the 4th Dimension and the World Play and Stage. How do you beat a Script which is based on the human mentality of Lies and Deceit..? How do you prove the Truth.. and the Beautiful Truth in a dimension in which telling the Truth has manifested untold misery suffering and persecution. Where people seek power -because they have learnt […]

20 Feb 2019

2/20/2019 1:03 – Facebook Post

9:39 p m I C I. Hello again.. Who, Man Woman or God- who has done what I have done Proven that this world is not real amongst the thousands of Universal Riddles I have solved. Which Human Being has accomplished what I have accomplished, and provided recorded evidence, left a trail of evidence verifiable Solid Facts. Which Human Being, Supernatural being or E.T Has come even close to explain Origins Existence Eternity and Infinity and on a corrupt forum […]

19 Feb 2019

2/19/2019 20:28 – Facebook Post

I spent the last three hours solving and decoding a play with Adam Waldron formerly Adam Christopher, linked to Christopher Filgueira C F..P.T/ T P.. 20 16.. 36.. 9.. Then to 9= 1I. It linked Qusharia Aallah to Anamla Qayin… D M I C TP/K 115 AGE.. The sacred portal 115 Showing a being called Samson-G passing through a brick wall to the Lions Gate.. L G… 115 is K E.. / 511.. E.K.. I literally passed through that play […]

18 Feb 2019

2/18/2019 21:40 – Facebook Post

4:08 p.m 2-18-2019. 48 Sacred Portal 48 “Beautiful Death as Transformation.. Evolution back to your Eternal Self but now here on Earth”. B R T S. – Being Reflects The Source O R B. The Source Code links to Tree Sage rep reflection of The Tree of Wisdom All are moved by Dark Light or the Ethereal C. @ 1237 Facebook Friends Hello… 24/7 Awareness of the full Circle and linking everything eventual manifests a Solid Fact, the Full Circle […]

18 Feb 2019

2/18/2019 17:08 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins. Literally .. Dark Matters Krishna Redha .. Playfulness Lightness That is what you will find there… Truly your most beautiful self. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Feb 2019

2/17/2019 23:26 – Facebook Post

8:03 p.m. 83. I can no longer prove that THIS IS REAL. That you must focus your attention and live in only the frequency of The truth manifesting woven before your very eyes. I never did,and do not even more especially now, ever agree to this play of Proving to you all and reminding people that this is REAL.. That this Script,as awful and petty as it is ( yes manifested as a direct echo and mirror reflected back at […]

17 Feb 2019

2/17/2019 18:26 – Facebook Post

“And At last Arrival of the Mysterious One… The Elemental Fore Father.. Shelter and Reign of Infinity.. A Bra H. A.M.. H-A.M.” 4th Principle of Existence.. Non Promise Shelter.. The Tree of Light… Father of Infinity … infinity is represented as Rain Drops.. R D… which rise as Mist from the Pool of the Full Circle of the Still Reflections of the Source. Which the 1st Drop… 123 = 6 actually which caused the Ripple Effect. setting a Reflection dependent […]

14 Feb 2019

2/14/2019 20:42 – Facebook Post

From Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp. The Template. He showed me this as we were conversing and spoke of the 2nd Head at the top of being the Buddha rep of going within to destroy the Evil when yourself.. The lies of your selves you projected. And transform it to Truth.. Then Beautiful Truth. And I smiled and proved that he was aligned to the E by linking his conversation “There must be a Revolution of Consciousness ” And then please see […]