

05 Mar 2019

3/5/2019 3:12 – Facebook Post

Ever noticed how everything has a balance? Good can’t exist without bad, life can’t exist without death, and light can’t exist without darkness. So it’s not surprising that this is true for humankind too! Each individual has its own positive and negative tendencies. The secret to keeping your life in balance is awareness – knowing which shadows and negative situations to think extra carefully about, so that you can open yourself up to the light! Blessings ??????? Original Facebook Post […]

04 Mar 2019

3/4/2019 17:15 – Facebook Post

2:27 p.m. 2-4-2019. Still at 1240 Facebook Friends.. Which aligns in my Sacred Portals as 12 Which represents the Hologram,and Sacred Portal Africa Pangea which represents the completion of the worlds History. It links to the history of the Planet Earth and the Universe. From what I have read linked and had confirmed, the completion this last scene of the play film, script which I have found myself explaining and demonstrating, points to Rays McKayla and John Mack returning on […]

04 Mar 2019

3/4/2019 14:35 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Mar 2019

3/1/2019 22:32 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 84… Link it to the Can of Beer.. Do you see the Pine Cone behind the Lady carrying the man… Link to the Two Roads can of beer.. C O B… From the name Yacob… Jacob… J A..John Alexander C O B.. Meaning “Yaweh may protect” See the Demon lurking behind and the Sad Pine Apple Face Girl… This was the Nature of the Script… it included everything in your life, everything happening around you weave it link […]

28 Feb 2019

2/28/2019 21:09 – Facebook Post

7:39 p.m. Sacred Portal 43. Tis now 7:43 pm. Sarah Kaizer came over as a favor to help deliver me a bag of groceries. She oozed strength and will and straight forward clarity.. I am appreciative of her and Esteban Miguel Filgueira care. Just these two have taken on the responsibility of making sure I.have all I require while each is now independent and strong in the Truth incontesably present. I looked at the time after she left.. 7:28 p.m […]

28 Feb 2019

2/28/2019 19:53 – Facebook Post

2:13 p.m B.M. 2-28-2019. B.B.H..T S Hello… I don’t go out much, even to take my daily walks… Man, I can’t begin to tell you the process going on in my Body. How the muscles are stretching, moving by its own accord, reshaping me, I am being reconstructed internally. If not for the discomfort, and as McKayla Rays testified, the force like a snag, something hooked to my muscles which each time she sought to correct it, it would move […]

28 Feb 2019

2/28/2019 2:43 – Facebook Post

Da Vinci”s Demons D V D Episode 4 season 3 This is what I am watching right now.. Hmm. I did not do so with intention.. Evidence is on this Netflix account Kelsie Bissell Edwards.. K.E. It might be a good idea to watch Intel on T.V Shows 1:38 a.m A C H O O! 13 .8 Milky Way AG.E. M.H. Leland Johnson L.J. 10 12.. 22 V 1O 12. 13 M Venus Mercury Ah-tom. Ah-TEN 2 1 from the […]

27 Feb 2019

2/27/2019 16:25 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Feb 2019

2/26/2019 23:47 – Facebook Post

8:45 p.m. 2-26-2019. Hello My day started with Christopher Filgueira C.F. ( C A F. E) Then with Leonardo “Da Vinci” taking from my altar, on the last and end of the story on my Altar ( yes like the Copper bejewelled Ank on Esteban Miguel Filgueira Altar with the Unicorn running on the ” very edge of Known Existence ” linked to my Sacred Portal 58 E.H And consequently reflecting me my exoression my E-Spirit) It was in the […]

25 Feb 2019

2/25/2019 19:24 – Facebook Post

3:21 p.m C.U. Ref Chinedu Umeano C.U. Arinze Umeano A.U. Cu Au Copper and Gold Conductors of Electricity Kim means Gold. Tree Sage is Kim Arthur Hines Arthur Hur. I am the only one who sleeps in this house now McKayla Rays and John Mack have gone to Costa Rica through gate 29. Flight 6 29.. They return on the 8th. 3-8-2019. C H .T S S T. H C Supreme Truth Hartford Connecticut. They have gone to get the […]