

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 19:45 – Facebook Post

And this is Sacred Portal 64… A code linked to my sister… 64/46… Just as it was reflected mirrored R M.. Rays McKayla in John Mack and his sister Holly McDonald… J M H M.. J H MM… R M… J M… H M…. can you read and link the meaning of this… you can use numbers to resolve it… RM.. Room…MR…Male… Jump Man… Harmonious Manifestation… RM.. 18 13= 31… C A/ A C…. J M… 10 13.. 23..W.. Double […]

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 17:34 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 45… Throne of Existence. T.O..E.. Linked to April 5th… 1969… NN AM DI .. The Planet Earth is 4.5 Billion years old. Sacred Portal 45.. The Throne of Existence… Earth Planet.. E.P.. *5-16-2018.. ( Date this post was last shared E.P.T.. R…Expression in Perfect Timing =Reflection E.P T R U E… Earth Planet True Reflection of Understanding/ Universal Expression) Twice I have landed here today… And my coffee codes twice 6 54. And the confirmation of Sacred Portal […]

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 16:52 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 42.. O.H.M… 88 Power… Lotus and Fire… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Mar 2019

3/7/2019 23:27 – Facebook Post

6:03 pm 63… / 36… F C.. C F.. 3-7-2019… 37 20 19… 2 O 19… 2 19.. See sacred portal 37…and 39.. Link Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang and Son.. 5..7. The Number 43 is on top of my page as number of Likes… 2 Comments 43 likes… I am at 1243 Facebook Friends after a battle with the 1-4 Dimension contained in Time.. 1-7… 4 7… 1-1… 74…. 11 11… 1 4… Alexander Darius…: Brothers Fathers.. Christopher… First […]

07 Mar 2019

3/7/2019 18:57 – Facebook Post

From Alex Carton Isis Osiris Horus.. Sight which flies.. seeing full circle all in Clarity C-Speed of Light.. 5:56 p.m E E F Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Mar 2019

3/6/2019 16:27 – Facebook Post

Here is the Language of Evolution and how to read and link. On my page is the Original Blue Print which as People like L.C.B rise with their recollecting our language and how to Link Connect Being People can C.f. compare and contrast with the Original on my page. You will see that his coding and linking ( which requires research) is linked to the same numbers codes meanings on my page… Right to the sacred portals. The same with […]

06 Mar 2019

3/6/2019 11:36 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Mar 2019

3/5/2019 19:30 – Facebook Post

From Arinze Umeano As children my brother and I used to always stand this way… I do not know where we acquired this habit and stance from.. But for me. it represented …Comfort Rest Ease… – A Stance which came as naturally as Breathing… U ME… Afor Nkwo Orie…. E.K.E… U-ME ANO E. / E ON…A E.M.U… emu…abbreviation for. “large Australian bird,” 1610s, probably from Portuguese ema “crane, ostrich,” of unknown origin. The etymology of the common name “emu” is […]

05 Mar 2019

3/5/2019 18:42 – Facebook Post

Eric James Murphy sent me this today. S T G… The Source G-Ode.. What is the Song you will Sing to MAMA GOD? / DO..G AM AM… ENERGY… Is God… E… 5:42 P.M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Mar 2019

3/5/2019 5:25 – Facebook Post

Rare honeycomb Welo Opal “Alien Dino Egg” from Welo province in northern Ethiopia Credit: Dust77 ~ CEK Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here