

13 Mar 2019

3/13/2019 0:00 – Facebook Post

6:11 p.m Sent to me at 5:22 p.m By John Mack “Upside down G C O D E D. Designed to Distingush D.T.D.” 4 20 4 Full Circle Death Terrible Death The Ultimate Tester -Cruel Selfish Father Mother as Satan Devil but as the terrible lie of their nature really reflecting the idea of the worst of Your Human True Nature. Power. Test. I passed it full Circle. 6:16 p.m Confirmed through a play with Esteban Miguel Filgueira Then with […]

12 Mar 2019

3/12/2019 23:43 – Facebook Post

10:36 p.m What more can this world take away from me.. The Evil Spirit of Selfishness to the Extreme? Family, Mother Brothers Sister, aunt… Income, Body, Wealth, Name, reputation, independence Passports I.D. I was left to die in the streets of Paris and in New York. What have they taken away from the True..the Innocent the Pure.. T.I.P No, I Tip the Scales of Justice of Balance 50 50 to 51 49 There are no Two Ways only One One […]

12 Mar 2019

3/12/2019 10:33 – Facebook Post

From my Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 46. C.I E The Creator T.C. At The Eternal Beginning Cloud 9 C.I. 8 46. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Mar 2019

3/11/2019 17:25 – Facebook Post

From Kathryn de Mente. K D.M. Link Kathryn Elliott Kuhn. K.E K Panthers Gate. Ostara. Link to my recent post of the Black Panther at Grant Moor Motel and Panera. Portals R.M.114 Both McKayla Rays worked in Panera and passed through the Grant Moor Motel As did the connection of the Grant Moor align to John Mack and his mother. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Mar 2019

3/11/2019 16:05 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Mar 2019

3/11/2019 4:23 – Facebook Post

3:32 a.m 3-11-2019. I just wanted to make a brief statement of the implication of my solving the Riddle of Nothingness filled with Somethingness. It represents the ability to generate Energy from Nothing. I will give Billy Hung credit for being the first to recognize the impiclations of my work and it’s conclusion and evidence he spent one month following me and listening to me solve the equations out loud. He followed Rav Singh who I was accompanying to Forte […]

10 Mar 2019

3/10/2019 0:43 – Facebook Post

6:42 .. 6:43 p.m. C I.. TS… Consciousness Infinity… The Source.. I was never alone… perhaps physically and Spiritually I was alone, But since everything is E.. I had the Entire Universe to back me up… I was never afraid of standing up with my Truth alone before the entire world. B AC K. E.C.. UP…I.D.. I have a Family, perhaps unseen or unrecognized by all of you living in a realm of Shades Shadows .. illusions of True Nature.. […]

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 23:00 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories 9:59 p.m See sacred portal 59. 9 59 Full Circle .. 10:00 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 19:17 – Facebook Post

1:24 .. 25 p.m. 3-9-2019… A X… A Y… A B D… A B E… C.I..T.S… “Thomas, now thoroughly convinced He was the Living Lord responded, “My Lord and my God!” At this, Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” In the scripture that follows, we find the purpose of this Gospel of Jesus Christ and the reason it was written.” John 20:29. Hello… E… E T C… E …J.M.A.. […]

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 0:45 – Facebook Post

Oh Ye Men and Women of little Faith in Facts… 7:06 p.m. 76. 3-8-2019… The code written on my Computer by Erik Ebright is 83 69… I had stated and proven even before I went to stay with him for 2 months in Miami that it correct alignment is 38 96…That he was still looking through the lense of Existence Life Reality through the Eyes of the past… And yet for over 2 yeas, I found myself, discovered that I […]