

31 Mar 2019

3/31/2019 18:02 – Facebook Post

3:58 p.m. C E H 3-31-2019 C .C A. T S Happy Birthday Axel Love Axel Anderson Axel Love. A.A A L. Axel Rose.. He has been part of my journey and witness since 2005 when I met him at Cafe Kudos ( now called The Bean Cafe) on 1st and 2nd in 2005, where I came down from 33rd Street and before that, Agusta Georgia on April 2nd 2005, when I wearily and with quiet fury began my last […]

31 Mar 2019

3/31/2019 15:39 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 119 That took place recently- It’s completion with A Steenberg play Linked to Albert Santana A S. Art Science Challenge A S. 1 19 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Mar 2019

3/30/2019 15:11 – Facebook Post

The Osiris Legend The legend of Osiris begins with Thoth, who was credited with having introduced all the arts and sciences, including astronomy and hieroglyphs, to the Ancient Egyptians. He was also the spokesman, or messenger, of the gods and the keeper of their records. “Thoth” is actually the Graeco-Roman form of the Egyptian name “Djehuti”. Thoth was usually represented as an ibis bird or a baboon; both of which are native to Africa. This is significant because it reflects […]

29 Mar 2019

3/29/2019 18:03 – Facebook Post

Via Michael Safer. M S. Jazzy Rider Collins James Mac Tavish Loki Low Key Sacred Portal 77. We linked today by through Sacred Portals Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 Mar 2019

3/27/2019 18:01 – Facebook Post

3:58 p.m C E H.. Of Creation Consciousness is Expression which created Harmony. 3-27-2019. C A-A T .S. ( C B G T S ) Hello Welcome Pam Lowd my most recent Facebook Friend. P.L./ . L.P. And once again, we are 1239 Facebook Friends. A B C I.. *( L C I. Liberty C Liscomb did “C.I. C Me twice) Pamela means “All..”. and is said to have been invented and used in the Poem.about Arcadia But it’s said […]

25 Mar 2019

3/25/2019 17:21 – Facebook Post

4:01 p.m 3-25-2019. D O A… D A. D F A. Delta Gah! C Y T S… Y Chromose The Source. @ 1237 Facebook Friends 37th min is when the 5th Child of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang was born Evolution of My Lady… The E as Female XY not XX. The last May McBrien May is the 5th Month, derived from the names Mary, Margaret and Maius the Goddess of Increase.. Abundance. The name of the Goddess shares […]

25 Mar 2019

3/25/2019 8:13 – Facebook Post

Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and Nine are the cycles of space. Nine are the diffusions of consciousness, and Nine are the worlds within worlds. Aye, Nine are the Lords and the cycles that come from above and below.Space is filled with concealed ones, for space is divided by time. Seek ye the key to the time-space, and ye shall unlock the gate. Know ye that throughout the time-space consciousness surely exists. Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet […]

24 Mar 2019

3/24/2019 23:46 – Facebook Post

From RD Quarters Excellent. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Mar 2019

3/24/2019 14:23 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Mar 2019

3/23/2019 14:58 – Facebook Post

2:57 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here