

04 Apr 2019

4/4/2019 20:16 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins 8:16 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Apr 2019

4/4/2019 16:55 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Apr 2019

4/3/2019 21:34 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins D.H. 48 Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death B.D 2 4 Is Transformation It happens to Every Thing, Every Where, Every One… And it manifests in the blink of an eye. And that is how evolution awakening manifest In a blink of an eye, the everything transforms in perfect timing after everything converges to.the point. It is not a Miracle Not really … but then what is a Miracle? If not the mystery revealed, worked on for eons, […]

03 Apr 2019

4/3/2019 18:04 – Facebook Post

From Isabelle Ilic So true does this ring, literally, figuratively and empirically true. Universal Sensei. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Apr 2019

4/2/2019 18:59 – Facebook Post

5:57 p.m 4-2-2019 5 57 represent the planet Earth 5 Seas and 7 Continents And also links to how creation was said to have manifested in the Bible *Note the word Bible literally means Book. B.K.E And through sixth sense Silence came Sound which came through Expression of the 5th Chakra- Throat Sound Talk Expression through Air Wind passing through a Narrow Passage Tunnel of Love. T O L Expression linked to the Crown Chakra Notes Sol and To. S […]

02 Apr 2019

4/2/2019 17:13 – Facebook Post

4:10 p.m Yes, I know this truth And also this notion of my being alone And what people assume and do when they think that you are standing alone. I saw the time twice yesterday and today which registered 3;23…and 2:32 pm. In Mackayla’s dream vision she was told by a woman that the Shift had taken place on the 23rd of March And that Judgement Day ( J.D) was over. For the last 18 yrs and especially the last […]

02 Apr 2019

4/2/2019 14:51 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge And yet the application of Truth Is the hardest thing to do here. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Apr 2019

4/2/2019 14:43 – Facebook Post

2:39 p.m. From Facebook Memories today Arrival of Lord Karmen of the King See men of Creative Expression This aligns with my post yesterday of Semen P.Hall US. And Sacred Portal 27. How is it that I wrote a posts and then the Facebook algorithm echos and responds. 2:42 p.m 2:43 p.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Apr 2019

4/2/2019 10:23 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Apr 2019

4/1/2019 19:16 – Facebook Post

2:54 p.m. 4-1-2019. B E D D A T S. @ 1241 Face Book Friends Sacred Portal Hello, Good grief, I am exhausted and tired. My Spirit is cool, but Lord my physical being is knackered and my emotional state… bored. Bored at bringing the obvious to your attention, but most of all, there is the battle each day with my Human Self to accept that this is the way the play has manifested, to One Man posting aligning equating […]