

13 Apr 2019

4/13/2019 19:35 – Facebook Post

1967 L.I.. Me.. Delta Manor year of birth code used to enter it and confirmed British Social Security NZ 67 67 46 B Christopher Filgueira’s wallet Wall E T 67 B.K.E. Sacred Portal 67 How far Will you go for the Truth of your Man John Mack Christopher Filgueira.. J C. M.F .. The Two I was sent down in the E.M.Field to bring home Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Apr 2019

4/13/2019 17:38 – Facebook Post

3:54 p.m C: D.E C O. D E.. I The Code is I. 4-13-2019. D M T. S . Destiny Manifested. The Script. Tree Sage Tree of Wisdom Tree of Life The Promise Noni Promise Life Hello.. As most are aware, God is moving within me. I am not God, that is a Human idea But G O D. 7 O 4.. 11 28. 39 C.I 7 64… I am Harmonious Expression. H E But was forced to play the […]

13 Apr 2019

4/13/2019 3:16 – Facebook Post

1:23 p.m 60,000 times huh.. 6 to the power of 4. See the play script demands one be Aware of Everything at every moment .. Perfect Timing is instinctively and intuitively know when to pause As One might pause for breath, and it happens naturally like breathing See the time ? See Sacred Portal 123. “Supremacy Transparently…Rocket Fuel.” S T R R T S.. Reflection of the 1-2 Story Tree Sage 1:27.-28 p.m See the Sacred Portals. 127 128. There […]

12 Apr 2019

4/12/2019 19:26 – Facebook Post

5:39 p.m The name Sarah means Princess…and originally denoting “Splendor ” Which is the E.T name for the Family of T E N The Family of Full Splendor. Completed through the Echo E Reflections by Tree Sage Esteban Miguel Filgueira Nathaniel Thomas Bywater. T E N N E T … Aka K A H E M F N T B .. Longitude T N. E E. N T T E N / N E T K E N. A M. […]

12 Apr 2019

4/12/2019 5:00 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge I am 1246 Facebook Friends Sacred Portal 46 is H-GOD on Cloud 9. 7 O 4. ( 76 4) 74. 11 28 39 C.I. 846 .. It has finally settled back on myself – Past Nnamdi God. N.G. 14 7 After the final play of John Mack and McKayla Rays. Olive Oil 846. I wish to clarify what this means, it means the last obstacle to declaring both the Room as the Universe and the Earth align […]

11 Apr 2019

4/11/2019 17:32 – Facebook Post

4:35 p.m John MackJohn just sent this Recall the play and post yesterday, which brought Heru Macc as a Facebook Friend 1244..? And my stating and proven even through you all, that that I and the E Line Manifested Harmony as the Universe Harmonious M.H. 13.8 Billion years And Earth 4.5 Billion years ago And that Billion has 9 zeros really 9 full Circles called Planets.. Mercury/Hermes H to Pluto. And the 1 3 8 Is M.H- Earth…Neptune. M E […]

11 Apr 2019

4/11/2019 16:03 – Facebook Post

Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Shared this post of a Money Code play he had been part of. See the number 48. John Mack had a vision dream where he Holly his sister who works at the Labyrinth ( Yes Link Pans Labyrinth And the Erebus Beer she sent to me via John and Mackayla) He said he was showing her an amazing car which through his snapping his fingers transformed into many things including a Space Ship. T was reached yesterday […]

11 Apr 2019

4/11/2019 12:07 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Apr 2019

4/9/2019 19:33 – Facebook Post

The word of God is not in a book. It’s the Sound of “OM” which can only heard when your divine 7-chakras are activated by divine plant Entheogens, namely the Crown chakra after the lower 6 chakras within you have been activated. And it sounds so beautiful your Ego cannot survive and you Die into it. Like hearing an infinite number of songs but all being played all at once, and it creates ONE song of all that IS !I […]

09 Apr 2019

4/9/2019 9:11 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here