

24 Apr 2019

4/24/2019 23:25 – Facebook Post

From Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Now that’s a great picture. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

24 Apr 2019

4/24/2019 20:50 – Facebook Post

4:18 p.m D.R 4-24-2019. Hello. I am very aware, startled into awareness at just how few people who are Facebook Friends and even those I have met with understand what I am doing on my page That I am exemplifying the Evolution Script. That I was brought to New York for this very purpose. To prove Evolution Awakening of the Species from Human to Hue-man Being. Harmonious Beings. But through a Script. The Script being the Sum Total of Human […]

23 Apr 2019

4/23/2019 21:36 – Facebook Post

7:27 p.m Full Circle 4-23-2019. D W ( V ) T.S . / S T V W O.O D Sacred Portal 23. Hello.. At 10:20 a.m, ( 10=J. T= 20 Link John Thomas… O P E N. IS) He had sent me a message – Intel ” A.S ..511 74″ It is not linked to Albert Santana whose portal I based through in 2006, who was born 1974 and his Mother 1947. It is linked to me as the post […]

23 Apr 2019

4/23/2019 13:20 – Facebook Post

From Kemi Sara. K.S. I have explained, and made to prove that the same principal and steps how Eros arose and then manifested the Cosmic Egg. Is repeated in the process of a Human gestation and birth. The Nothingness which contained something. But which was the E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Apr 2019

4/21/2019 18:39 – Facebook Post

5:20 ..5: 21 p.m. E.T. Eternal Truth Huemans are Extra Terrestrial from the 5th Dimension. ( Throat Chakra Blue 5th merging and interfacing in a E.U. Captains Log. Starship Enterprise Evolution Awakening. C L S.E E… A.H A.M. Happy Ishtar… That is how McKayla Rays greeted me when I got up from a very troubled sleep, fighting the echo of voices of demons which posses Humanity spirited away by their illusions and expressions, when in Truth that is not really […]

20 Apr 2019

4/20/2019 17:27 – Facebook Post

From Esteban Miguel Filgueira Kim. Tree Sage Kim.means Gold. California is the Golden State. 10 64… John Mack.gave me 64 u sd and kept 65. 10 is J . 64. Is 88 squared Thus the first and orginal J is Me. 10 10.. 2 B. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2019

4/20/2019 15:31 – Facebook Post

33. The Beautiful Cross-ing. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Apr 2019

4/20/2019 15:20 – Facebook Post

From Olivia Burgos.. BREATHE. Pink.Floyd. Van Gogh. Sacred Portal 69 3:20 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

19 Apr 2019

4/19/2019 16:48 – Facebook Post

From Pamela Stefaniotis. 1:44 p.m 4:19-2019. D.S.T S. Dharma Santana The Script. Devil Santan Devi Santana Dharma Santana Donna Sullivan Dewight Smith Dina Singh Bed 4-018/19. Eternal Law. The code and initials D.S have been a constant for the last 13 years of the Script. Meaning that Eternal Law is the Basis of the E Manual and Script I was made to r igjt and create the T.EN. books on my page for 7.4 years. I have been confirmed by […]

19 Apr 2019

4/19/2019 0:51 – Facebook Post

12:51 am Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here