

18 May 2019

5/18/2019 21:18 – Facebook Post

9:02 p.m. Linked and Reflected by John Mack Born 1997.. It reads The True One Mind Brain Cranium Light of Existence The True Challenge The True Challenge to E Was My Self And my Mother And Father and Family From 97 to 79 .. Heaven to Earth Ground Rep Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira. I spoke about this for years, on my page by proving the the Earth is connected to our feet and moves through the Earth world on in […]

18 May 2019

5/18/2019 18:43 – Facebook Post

3:25 p.m C Y… C is Male Chromosome C B.E Consciousness is Beautiful Expression 5-18-2019.. E.R T. S. Expression Reflects Truth Supreme Infinite Energy Source Hello, Good Lord, I am weary of this Script. It defies belief, that I am still in it, contained by it, and not released from it. If only I had my body back. It’s functions.. it’s Spring and after 18 yrs of working day and night through a Script of Human Expression, I sometimes wonder […]

18 May 2019

5/18/2019 14:45 – Facebook Post

From Susan Salomi S.S 2:45 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 May 2019

5/17/2019 20:25 – Facebook Post

I was curious about the name Maccias Link Jesse Macias J.M Jesse is the father of King David And Maccias comes from the Apostle Mathew which means “Gift From God” G F G 7 67. 767. 76 67.. Full Circle 76 is the only Sacres portal which has not manifested 67 has see wallet with Knights Templar of Christopher Filgueira See my Social security no British version NZ 67 67 46 B See sacred portal 7 Crown Chakra- connected to […]

17 May 2019

5/17/2019 14:59 – Facebook Post

From Sherri Blagburn Angotta I got you babe..” Sunny and Share “Cher” I got your B A C K… Supreme Being -Awareness… S B A…19 2 1…. 22…V…. Victorious 5 lines of E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 May 2019

5/16/2019 13:00 – Facebook Post

12:58 p.m From Brooke Elizabeth Banwer The Heavenly Mind “Le Sioux” by Eric C.” 1:00 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 May 2019

5/15/2019 23:05 – Facebook Post

9:35 p.m I C E I H ..Q. 9 3;5=17. Q. 5-15 -2019. E O .. T S .. C.I E O C I Emmanuel Okoli C.I. McKayla Rays is the Literal Child of the Keeper of the Keys… To the Library of Akashic Records Muscle Memory. She is the line who can read and edit the Book I have posted. 9: 39 pm I C I “Ici” Here Present. And John Mack was whom I had to reach, the […]

14 May 2019

5/14/2019 21:12 – Facebook Post

7:02 p.m G.B. Golden Buddha Hello When I was a boy, I was often compared to Micheal Jackson because of the way I danced ( though I ordered Prince) M.J. And then I had a girfried called Adoala.. Mary Jane. And then years later, I discovered that I seemed to be on a trail which always led me to people places things with those initials. And then I began to link it to Mary and Joseph in the Christian story […]

12 May 2019

5/12/2019 20:06 – Facebook Post

Samsara. The Wheel Cycle of Mundane Life and, Existence This is what my Life’s work transformed into. Breaking the Cycle of Samara.. To complete the full cycle of life, by my being set up to taste all forms of Pain and Suffering endured to the Human Body and Human Being. To complete the Cycle by getting to The Point And in the Completion of the Source of the Spiral: The Circle and the point, aligned to one Sub Atomic S […]

12 May 2019

5/12/2019 12:22 – Facebook Post

From Nicole Dollins. 12.22 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here