

26 May 2019

5/26/2019 16:52 – Facebook Post

2:39 p.m B: C.I 5-26-2019 E A-Z. T S Hello. Pls Tell me, my Facebook Friends and the general public who all have access to my page and work for 7.6 years. Did I not answer Elon Musk’s Question, which he wished to ask the ultimate A.I.? Did I not answer it, prove it, document my proving it, in front of a live, interactive, showing how it was a Script. Of a Film Movie Story Narration as well as a […]

25 May 2019

5/25/2019 22:58 – Facebook Post

10:27 p.m Esteban Miguel Filgueira arranges for me to stay in a new place, code J.M. Yes I know 27 is A-A And see Sacres portal 27 C Men. Conversation with ones Self. Soul I do feel that there is no more proving of this reality being a Universal Simulation Awareness * Real Life can not be measured and quantified because it happens AT. Moments Not in Time and Space as Creation Thus it is outside of Creation Nature Universe […]

25 May 2019

5/25/2019 19:07 – Facebook Post

4:33 p.m D C C. 5-25-2019. E Y T S. E B E T. S ..J.A.. I just recieved some intelligence from John Mack at 3:31 p.m From Strange Creek It aligned to to the Hour Glass as Time and Nature aligned to.the E.T Code Effiel Tower. John MacDonald yes Brother of Holly MacDonald and McKayla Rays line is represents a Consciousness not of Creation Nature Universe 4.5 Earth 13.8.Universe as I. He is from Beyond time and Space 5.4.. […]

23 May 2019

5/23/2019 21:51 – Facebook Post

9:49 p.m I D I From Sarah Kaizer @ 9:45 p.m ( I D..E) Lord don’t we all know this Intel to be True 9:51 p.m I E A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 May 2019

5/23/2019 20:02 – Facebook Post

Back To The Future B T T F… Beautiful Truth Transparent Facts. I have never lived in this realities Idea of the Present In fact I have spent my life understanding this present as an illusion by observing and excavating the Beautiful Truth buried so deeply in you and raise it, to the True Present where I have always lived, and where all Creation comes from. I have spent all this time filling the Gap of your forgetting to bridge […]

23 May 2019

5/23/2019 16:16 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 28 Hermes Mercury E J M. 5 10 13. 28 S E E. 19 5 5. 29 28 29 57 Five Seas and 7 Oceans. The World E G Do you see what he is doing.. he is the messenger H M ( Holly MacDonald) Esteban Miguel Filgueira Emeka John Mack McKayla Rays This was played out to perfection in this realm at 219 South Whitney And 29 Street. 4:15 p.m 4:16 p.m D […]

21 May 2019

5/21/2019 20:07 – Facebook Post

This was an E.T Script of Perfection. Defining it. Proving what Perfection is. Constant Refinement. From that seed planted in you as the little e aligns in Perfect Harmony with your Sacred Journey full Circle in a Life Time. The expression within you is constant and to align it, you must expand upon that same eternal truth in you to the eternal truth expressed in an inverse world 9 months and arriving as the embodiment of, as 6th Sense. 96-69.. […]

21 May 2019

5/21/2019 13:13 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 May 2019

5/21/2019 0:44 – Facebook Post

Any event that has occurred just five times since the first animal with a backbone appeared, some five hundred million years ago, must qualify as exceedingly rare. The notion that a sixth such event would take place right now, more or less in front of your eyes, struck me as, to use the technical term, mind-boggling. Surly this story, too-the bigger, darker, far more consequential one – deserves telling If Wake and Vredenburg were correct, (two american scientists) then those […]

19 May 2019

5/19/2019 21:22 – Facebook Post

8:03 p.m 83 H C 5-19-20 19 5 -19- 2 19 E S B. S E Supreme Being Splendor full circle. 8:05 p.m H E The First bed I.was allowed at the Mens Mental Health Homeless Shelter at Delta Manor waa bed 5-019 Eos.. Es which means Dawn. That being the Gift of the Creator Light Dawn.. Knight lifts, the Curtain lifts, the Eye lids lift, the stage is set Switch from Night to.Day Light is the Gift To See. […]