

31 May 2019

5/31/2019 19:31 – Facebook Post

Contd. 4:58 4:59 p.m 5:00 p.m Yes, your parents are the Ancestors, and they had a great rage at Humanity their Descendants and held you all bound, as is manifest in me. For my body is bound, tightened muscles deformed face body, especially my spinal cord ( 33 Vertebra, age 33 when I first came to New York) And my Solar Plexus, 3rd Chakra 3 note.. Mi- Me, see the play in Miami with Erik Ebright and his father J.I.M. […]

30 May 2019

5/30/2019 15:25 – Facebook Post

3-23 p.m This is from Facebook Memories Today 6 years ago. May 30th, 2013…at 58 p.m Please, read and witness the consistency of my Expression and experiences explained Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 May 2019

5/30/2019 10:40 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 May 2019

5/29/2019 21:50 – Facebook Post

9:04 p.m Room 904 44 Asylum Avenue Red Roof Plus Rm 904 Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen Filgueria Sarah Kaizer Link 44 Brooke Lawn. John S M I P S A A K M.R B .. 4 Grant Moore.. G M. General Manager Raider of the Lost Arch Jesse Macias One Love. Joy. Victorious Rm 114. A N. 11 4. K D (Kim “Gold” Arthur “Merlin” Hines) New Britain. Link Tree Sage.and John Mack A N.. Alicia Norris ( Frank) To […]

29 May 2019

5/29/2019 17:37 – Facebook Post

4:03 p.m 43 Sacred Portal 43. My Art of Sacred Portals My Science E = C.M.e 4/3. E = C Sped of Light ( S O L) ” Sol! A Needle Pulling Thread” Fil- Gueria. E M F. Sol is the 5th Note. Blue Color 5 is E 3 is C E ART H. C 3rd Planet from the Sun Sum (Sun O to 1’9 Planets..Sum of the Milky Way Galaxy Classification MW87. *87 U sd currently in my wallet. […]

28 May 2019

5/28/2019 22:46 – Facebook Post

“Family fam* Mel *eel A group of people, each a unique masterpiece, sharing unconditional love, hugs, and support * one of lifes greatest blessings * cherish always.” In the city that never Sleeps, He rose with the morning Sun! P.H.I. 6-8-2012.” Written my Quan. (Tuan) owner of the House. Last play before I moved here, was the play of Lucifer John. And the True 2012 E S J. A M. 47. +1 48 84/48 E Sacred Journey A Mission 48 […]

27 May 2019

5/27/2019 0:29 – Facebook Post

From Bjorn Coolen 7-11. 19 90. S. I. O SI. I AM O. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

27 May 2019

5/27/2019 0:27 – Facebook Post

9:43 p.m 5-26. I D.. C / Chinedu Ikechukwu David C.I D.. Cecilia Is David 9:45 p.m I D. E. The last 4 digits of my Mothers number 6994. Born 11 22 .. 19 47. Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano-Kolo. David Roman Nicholason Born 11 22 1968 C D. 3 4 7- 8 15 Letter O 6 They are One The same person as I have been proving Aclepius Ophichus 13th Gate Who is the Original Nnamdi Emmanuel. Hello. A play took […]

26 May 2019

5/26/2019 18:17 – Facebook Post

This is really the play of today Eros Aphrodite E A 51 Me.. A portal opens Link page of Josh Bywater J.B And leads to The 27th The Sunshine State E H O M E… This is where the Script has aligned to after 7.6 years on Facebook 24/7 An Energetic Play 6th Sense says No Way for this play. @ 12 59 Face Book Friends 1 25. 9. Face Book Friends The latter was just completed 1. 25. 9. […]

26 May 2019

5/26/2019 18:00 – Facebook Post

5:48 p.m This came up on my Facebook Memories yesterday Facebook’s Alogorithm I.posted it. But today, I saw that for some reason it did not posts. So determined, I post it again today Sacred Portal 6.00 Sixth Sense Silver Surfer Says No way to this Play.. Script Thumbs Down. T D 20 4 24 2 O 4 26 4 . See Ten Biliion Lifes M.R. A V Linked through the play of John Mack McKayla Rays… Bob Bert Hans. M.R. […]