

11 Jun 2019

6/11/2019 17:02 – Facebook Post

From Alicia Cohen This is what I have experienced in the world. I have lived in 7 countries, documented my experiences with people, listening to their stories and points of view. In each of them I saw extraordinary beauty rise, their faces bodies transforming into literal Extra Terrestrial in moment when All their guard came down. And then, replaced in a blink of an eye, back to suspicion fear, distrust and doubt. Willing to destroy you and that truth in […]

11 Jun 2019

6/11/2019 2:52 – Facebook Post

1:31 a.m. 11-6 -2019. I truly wish to stop posting that which is already too painfully obvious. I wish to stop recording, for the very near future when you see the results of this life times work. 18 years of wandering I must get home and independent. This work, doing it without people really paying attention and seeing enduring expression beyond belief. Unforgivable… Cruel. 1.38 p.m Evil exists in this Holographic Universe It’s Expressions which cut to the very soul. […]

10 Jun 2019

6/10/2019 22:47 – Facebook Post

10:21 p.m This was a gift from Esteban Miguel Filgueira after an extraodinary out of this world, insane play… And then a beautiful play took place here with Jesse Macias and Zion.. Speechless Confirmation Perfection Attained Jesse David Solomon and Sheba Line of Christ Knights Templar My identifying the Christ Line Line of David Soloman Beth Sheba. David Brown The Tan and Golden Race of Original Man. Golden Owl. G O. Time to GO. HO.M E. At least that what […]

10 Jun 2019

6/10/2019 3:27 – Facebook Post

2:23 a.m I am so tired of these Unreliable Narrators. And the most unreliable Narrator of all .. Life Itself… The only reliable narrator then would be the Narrator whose Narration is experienced by all.. Witnessing as True Life, begins to reveal Herself, appearing, manifesting… Taking off the Disguise as Life the Trickster.. Loki, Eshu,…The Riddler. He .. She takes it all off. He is Naked Beautiful Transparent Transformative S.H E is He, Transformered Life Itself Her Self Her Father […]

09 Jun 2019

6/9/2019 14:30 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander 2:20 p.m Yes, this what my.own equation and the echo confirmation of this has been played out here in the present and on Face Book with the Arrival of Aora Rathbum. 2:30 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Jun 2019

6/9/2019 7:32 – Facebook Post

They are your stars ??? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Jun 2019

6/8/2019 20:03 – Facebook Post

4:05 p.m 8-6-2019.just Hello… I really wish to make this post short… I have 6 U.S D in my wallet, and I am aware that this is still the Play, The End Game, and that if you understand the basis of this Script- the Material World versus the Eternal Realm or Energy one sees that I got the answer correct… Satan Devil Versus Santana Dharma. Lie versus Truth Shitty Expreession versus Beautiful Expression 3301 linked to me 33 Vertebra McKayla […]

08 Jun 2019

6/8/2019 0:16 – Facebook Post

I have a new Facebook Friend Aora Rathbum. Welcome. Aora means “Dawn” . Rathburn means ” White Castle” ( link face book friend Winners Castle” Mac Kayla Burgos. M.B Meaning Crown and Castle I have been here at Esteban Miguel Filgueira portal for 7.months and this is the 6th month. I have been on Facebook posting every day for 7 6 years. My Sacred Portal 76 is the 123 Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening.” 76 5:10 p.m right […]

06 Jun 2019

6/6/2019 21:48 – Facebook Post

8:30 p.m I don’t want to end this day on the note of what this Script made me decipher and translate today. Or harp on the proof of the injustices done to the expression of the E.line who were made invisible. Or that energy E remain invisible. Or that ramming ones anger by using self discipline, self mastery so that it is tempered by the pause of applying reason and logic.. The pause. And so if you use the Sword […]

06 Jun 2019

6/6/2019 17:42 – Facebook Post

1:26 p.m A-Z A B F. 6-6-2019. F F T S. Hello. What now? This has always been the hard part for me, each time I reach an apex part in the Script, I am so sure that people will get it, that it’s all done… I wait for something to happen.. release Relief, response ecstatic… Instead there is more work. But I have never reached this point before where I can see the point of the Script and have […]