

18 Jun 2019

6/18/2019 17:43 – Facebook Post

2:01 p.m 21 6-19-2019 F S T S Feeling Sensational Facts Solid The Script Full Circle Truth is Transparency Supreme. Michael! ” Who is as God?” Response ” Air Water Energy” * Please, observe the play with Adam Waldron and my self as E, and his Hell Kitchen story with his Grandfather, reflecting in perfection my own story in Hells Kitchen and my writing on my page for years how I encountered an apparition of my Grandfather and Grandmother there […]

17 Jun 2019

6/17/2019 20:27 – Facebook Post

4:35 p.m D C E. 6-17-2019. F Q- T S. Hello, I have a new Facebook Friend. Adem Bakar A.B. And I am still at 1266 Facebook Friends Adem means ” Breath” in Turkish. Yes, I am currently drinking the Mehmet Effendi , Turkish Coffee- a gift from Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Sage) “Umeano” my family name means “Breath” Of the 4 in One. Yes, Benjamin C. Krajewski 4 boys he is the 1st and came with Tree here […]

17 Jun 2019

6/17/2019 16:01 – Facebook Post

From Tree Sage Chuckle… Yes, this is what my Equation completes at….. sorta… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Jun 2019

6/17/2019 14:31 – Facebook Post

Praise God.. P.G. Tree Sage Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jun 2019

6/16/2019 18:35 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today 5 years ago today. From Eunice Oviawe-Jones E O J… / J O E. S P. H… Jesse Macias E O. Is Jay… J line. The Truth has been Told. Boldly by M.E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jun 2019

6/15/2019 13:40 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander & Anirbas Lem “Strawberry Fields of Forever” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Jun 2019

6/13/2019 21:01 – Facebook Post

2:35 p.m B C E 6-13-2019. F M T S. Focus Attention Awareness Focus Attention. F A. A F A. Good Grief, I have no idea how to start this post today. And the only reason, I am explaining, one more time is because of Sarah Kaizer. If you recall, the last money code play had the name “Sarai” on it. And it linked to Sarah Sarah has the same energy frequency of the essence of my Biological Sister. And […]

13 Jun 2019

6/13/2019 17:17 – Facebook Post

The last Money Code play at 219-217 South Whitney. Linked to Sarah Kaizer Sarai .. Abraham Sarai Hagar.. A S H. * Phoenix rises from the Ashes of a the true version which was destroyed and another a lie chosen to take its place OI Nri HE.Brew. Ham. The Anointed Replaced by the Jewish Islam Christian version. Athena .. Recall the Golden Owl gift from Esteban Miguel Filgueira..? Athena and her Golden Owl. Kaiser means” Kings” Priest Kings. Melchidezick Eze […]

13 Jun 2019

6/13/2019 14:32 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander. That is the way we clean our past, our traumas.. break spells… It’s my “Talking To The Silence..” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Jun 2019

6/12/2019 17:58 – Facebook Post

A Question of Power. A Question which has quietly niggling at me since, I became aware that I found myself with out the normal power I actually have. And finding it totally gone when I entered the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze on the day I entered the U.S. I knew about me, having to do it without the power I had originally merited and earned. I was not told, though when I realized what had been done to me, […]