

26 Jun 2019

6/26/2019 21:21 – Facebook Post

From Curtis Dubbeld.. C D. 3 4 / at 4 3.. But first one must Identify the System which must be destroyed, The Infrastructure.. Or the Mentality which Built it.. Only a change of Consciousness literally a Force of Nature Natural Law and Eternal Law of Extinction Evolution Can transform the Mentality of a Species called Humanity. One which does not require permission, discussion convincing or this idea of Democracy, legality… Absolute Law… Where where the it is not on […]

25 Jun 2019

6/25/2019 21:27 – Facebook Post

Evidence Jesse Macias Took Medicene last night.. I felt it, I did not tell me as he described to me in the Car what his experience was. . Cannabis aka Mary Jane And in O.I Nri and West Africa Nigeria it is called Igbo. The Medicene I used to travel is Cannabis.. That is the tool of Nature and to travel to that realm where yes it’s called the Mystic River or the True Natures Dimension Christopher Filgueira kept mentioning […]

25 Jun 2019

6/25/2019 20:54 – Facebook Post

This is the T shirt, I merited and earned which as you can see has two Eyes formed out of Two Jaguars sitting in a tree which forms a head.. A Face. 8:39 p.m It was inspired by Jesse Macias post. And then he informs me, later as be kindly took me to buy some groceries compliments of Esteban Miguel Filgueira And Sarah Kaizer 250 was the code 25 is today’s date. That He had taken Medicine And had experience […]

20 Jun 2019

6/20/2019 15:07 – Facebook Post

From Manuel Sanchez Sensation Of Love. S O L … Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Jun 2019

6/20/2019 0:01 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m H E.. E. I woke up today as The Source… A Man. I realized yesterday, just how sick I had become these last 18 years of disguising my True Nature under the Charm of a Boy, whom people felt more relatable to. I did it when I found myself living in people’s homes, really portals.. the people. As literal equations, and as I moved through the years, they became reflections of beings I knew before, first Energies, then […]

19 Jun 2019

6/19/2019 20:33 – Facebook Post

7:51 p.m. G is 51 6-19-2019… F.S-T.S…. Feeling Sensational Facts Solid… The Script is Truth Supreme. Transparency Trust Crowned twice in Full Splendor (Stephen Esteban Sarah) T E N… Five Five… Proof of your,Truth ( Including Mine) Before I relate the intelligence, and the extraordinary play which took place this morning with Stephen Filgueria, Sarah and Jesse and I… I wish to post, honor and acknowledge A White Raven, and his post today as a reference post of how to […]

19 Jun 2019

6/19/2019 18:40 – Facebook Post

4:32 p.m 6-19-2019 Yesterday was 6-18. F R. E E. And yet for some reason, and believe there is a reason, because there are no such things as Mistakes.. I wrote that date as today. Alicia Norris A N, told me at 4:34 p.m right now that Frank was given 5 months extra for his stance.. I was not surprised, I wrote back to Alicia. 5 Months is E And Frank Archambault, I was aware from the first day we […]

19 Jun 2019

6/19/2019 0:08 – Facebook Post

‘@ 12 69 Facebook Friends I am Breath.. Breathe ! Adem Bakar. A B The Song of Sixth Sense Universal. Chant.. Desiree Shantel Understanding.. U I See I.S Last like and comment Isabelle Ilic Stephen Johnson I.S. Tree Sage Can’t you not see? If I did not finish this Script represented by each new arriving Facebook Friend I would never be allowed to simply Exist and Be It was all so you could rise, if you chose to take this […]

18 Jun 2019

6/18/2019 20:37 – Facebook Post

6:58 p.m right now That’s the was the problem and the Con, Test of Patience and Forbearance Perseverance of this Script, is that I had no idea how long it would take.. And when I discovered, how the play works, and then in 2013. ( 33… 2O 13. B O M. 26 13. 39. 2 6 13. 21. U. 3. C..) That it was now dependant on you, meaning that you would be the unaware echo resoonse.. I had no […]

18 Jun 2019

6/18/2019 18:23 – Facebook Post

6:22 p.m F.V. Free Valley. E Q Fritz Venneiq 2010. Pelham Park to Black On White B O W. And Arrow B A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here