

07 Jul 2019

7/7/2019 20:52 – Facebook Post

8:42 p.m Sacred Portal 8. 42. OHM.. . From Tree Sage Sent at 7:48. S P 74. 8. 7. At S P 48. 18 years T M. 20 13… 33. 6. Pls see me posting from 2013… See me 33. And Sacred Portal 33.. Devi comes to E… “Keys To The City ” K T. T C. Kings Temple Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp Esteban Miguel Filgueira Victoria Jackson ( N E V. / V E N… Knights Templar True Clarity sacred […]

07 Jul 2019

7/7/2019 19:35 – Facebook Post

Ha! Lord I am having fun today.. I Fun nnaya… That is the word for Love in O.I Nri Igbo.. It means ” I see you clearly” This just popped up…. Link it to my Expression on Sacred Portal 29… Who opens the Portal Idris Alba… As Muhammad Ali sang.. The Black Super Man… T B S M.. Tree Brooke Stephen/ Sarah… Me… I E.. That is how the Script Echoes and Instantly Responds P S. Universe is Harmony God. […]

07 Jul 2019

7/7/2019 3:22 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 73. 3:22 p.m CV.. C V S. 535 505 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Jul 2019

7/6/2019 22:15 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 47. Please read what it says.. .. Notice how the Trinity in one form a Mouth and the Background an Owl Enraged.. Recall the Gift from Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira Golden O.W L… Wolf H O W L. That is the blanket I am sleeping on.. Allen Ginsberg Poem “Howl” Magazine he published “Eros ” Wolf Fenri and on my Altar I placed behind it the Golden Owl. F O W L… Who put us through Hell.. Original […]

06 Jul 2019

7/6/2019 22:09 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 90 I O Rep J. Isis Osiris Emek a and line of Isabelle Ilic. Isabelle Sara Samuel Ivan… This is the depiction of my Eternal Spirit Do you notice the indifference to the Female Alien of the horror being done to my Espirit in my body.. The current 17 years internal interference. Note that she is on my Left.. She plunges her hand into my .B. EAR.. While the Male feels and acknowledges that which It knows I […]

06 Jul 2019

7/6/2019 16:57 – Facebook Post

From Yash Salunke Beautiful Darkness Beautiful Death Beautiful Pride Dark Matter Darkness is Energy Light. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

05 Jul 2019

7/5/2019 22:27 – Facebook Post

8:51 p.m Hello.. As you can observe, alignment correlation, common thread and perfect timming and expression is the nature of this play. It was a play and End Game from Abacus as past to Computer Computing. Really the same thing Simplicity -Complexity. A lesson and demonstration on how to manifests Harmony, which meant be aligned with Creation Nature O full circle. C.N.O 3.14 15. And with the Eternal Realm, those who represent the Consciousness beyond Creation which is of course […]

05 Jul 2019

7/5/2019 17:12 – Facebook Post

Time and Date… T.D. 20 4. 24 Time: 2:05 p.m 25 Y. B E. John Mack Brooke Lee Lemery Emeka Kolo Brenden Velez Tree Sage… Add Cartney J. Bazile * McKayla Rays is Harmony 5 3= 8 Date: 7-5-2019 G E T. S. I.T. Hello For years, I stated how much I missed my Sister because her line always ” Gets It” G I. 7 9 Last night at 7:16 p.m. G P Grace Perfection Good Point! Brooke and Brenden […]

04 Jul 2019

7/4/2019 14:54 – Facebook Post

From Carlos Aguilar It was 2:49p.m When I opened Carlos page.. And this first thing I observed was his 249 number of Face book Friends.. B.. 49. B D I. 49. 77… 49. And yes, Feelings… How to Master our Feelings.. Our Sixth Sense… With what we know.. That was my great battle in the Spirit World and Mind of Men. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Jul 2019

7/3/2019 16:45 – Facebook Post

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth Pls look at the codes.. 140 us law… being violated 5800.. E H… Then look at the Army Tank, Zion brought to the house.. Codes M R 1127 Q 4 28 V.. 10.. Recall the 10 u sd bill I received the day I moved to Jesse Macias home. It had the code 140 See the d.p supermarket with the Diamond Cube with 3 Primary colors and White with the code 140 Chiefy.. Tree Sage severed in […]