

10 Apr 2022

I have been watching the movie

I have been watching the movie on Netflix Starring Robert Downey Jr. R.D. And Jude Law. Sherlock Holmes. S.H. E. II always touches me the Mascile yet Femine Love Companion shop and brotherhood between the Two men. Its quiet.here now at 219’217 South Whitney apart from the faint low drum beat in the background from below at 217. I wonder now, if with my solving and Proving the 1 369 Nikola Tesla Nnamdi Arden equation. That I would at last […]

10 Apr 2022

9:17 p.m – 9:18 pm – I.Q – I Quant

9:17 p.m 9:18 pm I.Q I Quantum I R. I Response I went to get some sugar from the Local C.V.S I was contemplating the intense quiet heart ache and Sadness of being driven to post the contest of my Mother silently waged against my Existence Existence Truth Expression Trust. Not like this.. not like this. Then from 49 85 Facebook Friends Thomas Lang Jeron & Azure’s Bio Farher with Liberty C Date of Birth 4-7-19 85 1385 Metropolitan Woods […]

10 Apr 2022

5;53 a.m – E.E.C. – My body is j

5;53 a.m E.E.C. My body is just berserk right now, and so I post against my will to get some peace and rest. I felt I could ignore it, and stop posting and I had planned to do other things today, inspite of it. But I can not I find, it is too overwhelming and distracting right now. But at 4982 and now, 4984 Facebook Friends That is 8 and 6 to 5000 the Facebook limit, I will endeavor to […]

09 Apr 2022

10:04 p.m – I also saw the Code

10:04 p.m I also saw the Code Liscence plate 10001. 1000 and 1 Arabian Nights. A.N. The Only Book my Biological father ever read to My sister myself and Nnamdi as children Scheherazade was obviously our Mother O.C. Remarkable Story Teller. So with the code PAN SOB.A.O. Son of a Bitch. Sacred Portal 147 (17 17) Father of Infinity F.O.I. “Sob” Aligned to 29 U S D And 100 USD in my Black Brief Case. Cecilia Arden Self all aligned […]

09 Apr 2022

From Kasien Thompson – K.T. – Al

From Kasien Thompson K.T. Aligned with Alicia Norris post and like. Elders 150 years on from Canada 10:03 P.m J.O.C. Florida K.E.Y.S Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Apr 2022

9:04 pm. – 94. – I D – 9 64 – That

9:04 pm. 94. I D 9 64 That was the amount I spent at 1544 C-Town I recolled because I am now at 49 72 Facebook Friends It was 25 72 U.S D Gregory Dollins G.D. 7 4 Gregory means “Obseever Watcher. Watch Tower. T W O. Go see un Hundsight Alexa Vertefeuille Card reading of the drawing forth ThebCardc The Watch Tower. T W.O. T. See Sacred portal 27 / 72. 9 9. 14 14 more like it. 1 […]

09 Apr 2022

6:54 p.m – And so I can hear th

6:54 p.m And so I can hear the response to all this from 217 Downstairs. Enough of this play… it’s gone on for far too long. Manifest Awakening M.A. M.A. Dawn. I need some rest and peace of mind. L.R = C.O. C.K. E.K P Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Apr 2022

From Liberty C Intelligence – E

From Liberty C Intelligence E.E.A.A.O. Sacred Portal 40. Liberty Liscomb and I have 40 Mutual Facebook Friends. That Links Connects Kamora Herrington to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr to Liberty C. Africa Wow. A.W.E. A. 51. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Apr 2022

Roca – Rock. Land. – Tower – .. – Tw

Roca Rock. Land. Tower .. Twin Towers of Strength… 4:30 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Apr 2022

Lucas – Lucas Roca – Hannah Luca

Lucas Lucas Roca Hannah Lucas Light Bringer. L.B= N. -E W.S. / S.W E S. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here