

29 Jul 2019

7/29/2019 14:29 – Facebook Post

2:02 p.m From Lea Aust. LA… Time is an illusion captured only in Hindsight. Just as all matter is an illusion, the body is an illusion of Energy. We exist only in the Sum Total of everything which exists in the moment. Time Exists in a Story, which we are in, The completion of the Story creates an Time. Time as I demonstrated to conclusion yesterday is as see, through Light refracted from the past. Time is Hindsight… Its backwards.. […]

27 Jul 2019

7/27/2019 20:01 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 11.. Recall the two perfumes at Jesse Macias portal 11 La Force .. Zions. And On his birthday another perfume MAN…. 11 Father and Son… and Holy Espirit. Sacred Portal 57.. E G.. Money code of a One Dollar bill sent to me by John Mack E G. 27…53 G. 11 1.. 11 2.. 11. 1 2. 3.. J M J M J M I live temporarily with one J.M. Connected with another J.M […]

26 Jul 2019

7/26/2019 22:49 – Facebook Post

9:04 p.m I.O D. I D I Six Four I Fith Dimension 7- 26- 2019. G B F ( Z) T S. Hello.. I have a new Facebook Friend Desi Wheeler D W… 4. 23.. = 27. And I am at 13 27 Facebook Friends. And John Mack came over at 4:35 p.m D C E… And we Danced..Conversed.. I could hardky walk yesterday, and when I began to ask myself what the devil is wrong with me, I had […]

25 Jul 2019

7/25/2019 23:14 – Facebook Post

9:43 p.m I. D.C.. Pause 9:49 p.m The Second Time Code linked to the I. D I E.. Linked to sacred poetal 49 Death Ray .. D.R for thise who pretend to be Healers Doctors and who claim to Have “Manifested” Which requjres proof and that all Manifestation comes from Energy, The Creator M.R.. A Man. 13 18..31.. Tree Sage rep Christopher Filgueira rep 31st State represented California. Gold State, wriiten in Concrete .. The words Kim../ Mik E.. M…I.K. […]

25 Jul 2019

7/25/2019 20:24 – Facebook Post

From Jean-Claude Labady J C. LA B. A.D. Y 6:58 p.m Most of my Facebook Friends are aware of my Journey and Mission given to me by Sue in the Green House in Soho Green Street in 2005 Who informed me that there will not be Evolution Awakening with out first finding Those who came before Humanity A Corner Stone she had said I had to find the corner stone of Existence First. I thought she was joking, until I […]

24 Jul 2019

7/24/2019 20:33 – Facebook Post

5:20 p.m 7-24-2019.. E.T G B D ( X) T S Eternal Truth. Extra Terrestrial God’s Birthday the X Factor is 2019.. Truth Supreme.. G is Being and Doing the X Factor The Script Invisible Visible . I V.. 1979- 1997. Hello.. Inari Okami-Sama shared a vitally important post, Photons in the Human Brain. See the way Quantum Mechanic work and what moves Photons- Light as Consciousness; C Speed of Light .. Focus Attention F.A Awareness Meaning.. A M .. […]

23 Jul 2019

7/23/2019 21:56 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Literally which is why so.many closed and limited minds end up dying at the moment of the Event Horizon. E H Energy Harmony is Infinite and Limitless. One of my primary tasks was to prove that the Human Body and Brain could Handle it.. That Victory is now represented and proven in the line of John Mack and Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines. Which is what my last 9 years of work had bern about, prooving that […]

23 Jul 2019

7/23/2019 20:05 – Facebook Post

From. Toburan Holistic Wholeness Initiative 8:00 p.m Because The Creator left some one behind when his one True Self left with all the Eternal Lights in Being called The True He left Him Self And His Self behind. How do I know this to be True. Because My Truth had Returned Beautiful Truth A what just one Human Created can do… 8:04 p.m That was.. Is My Father Son now beloved brother proof.. This play. Original Facebook Post URL: Click […]

22 Jul 2019

7/22/2019 21:04 – Facebook Post

6:58..59 p.m Auriela Maria.. Grace Melanie Anthony Mercado Efrinda Daming Farah I also had two request which I confirmed I am now at 13 24 Facebook Friends, though I can not find the two pages of Auriela Mariah Who I had noted arrived with Anthony Mercardo A M. A M In both Man form and Woman form. And Grace Melanie.. G M. That she is already my Face book friend and the former just would not confirm no matter how […]

22 Jul 2019

7/22/2019 15:35 – Facebook Post

3:22 p.m C.V. This is from Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage On the code 58 58 is the E Harmony Infinity Frequency. Which brings Manifestation 13 M As you are aware John Mack is in Florida the 27th State And left from Connecticut The 5th State. You are also perhaps aware that I moved to Jesse Macias portal on the 5-27..2019.. And that Tree Sage T S. 20 19. This year. And Tree Sage is literal manifested right to its […]