

03 Aug 2019

8/3/2019 21:49 – Facebook Post

8:10 p.m H J. Heros Journey… smh. 8 1O. H. Alpha Omega.. H A. F. Harmony Awareness Ascension) a Fact, derived from 6th sense. Assimilation of everything going around you, even while totally unaware. An Ocean. A Pool A Full Circle of Harmonious Memories. 8:13 p.m H.M. Holly. Wood..Holly Mood. A Well A Fountain A River A Stream of consciousness rising from your deep ocean of Well Being. Lapping at the banks- your body Vessel Sending Love Juice Like a […]

03 Aug 2019

8/3/2019 16:32 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge In a nut shell. But one thing I notice, There are so many people telling others what they must do, Instead of Doing the Do.. themselves Showing and exemplifying how It is Done and Exemplifying all these Instructions by showing peoole how to do these things, and doing the action which yeild results. My Fair Lady Audrey Hepburn at last rails at her paramour Freddy, ” Dont Tell me.. Show Me” The True Men Show and the […]

02 Aug 2019

8/2/2019 18:49 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today 5 yrs ago 6:48 p.m right now is F. Dana Hawkins Alexa Vertefeuille Brooke Lee Lemery Brooke Elizabeth Banwer Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Aug 2019

8/2/2019 16:11 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins D.H. 4 8 Sacred portal 48 is “Beautiful Death as Transformation ” Yesterday I was equating the last of these Fractal Equations of Manifestation E M F × 2. = 48. 48. 12. 3 48. 32.. 5 12 32… 44. 8 1331 Facebook Friends..44.. Brooke Lee Lemery And John Mack. 44.. And now at 8 August 8.. 44=8. 16. 64. 80. 8 80. 2 8’s.. Todays Date. 3 5… C E. 88 88.. 16 16. 4:03 p.m […]

02 Aug 2019

8/2/2019 0:04 – Facebook Post

10:22 p.m J V 8-1-2019. H.A. T S. J.O V E. Jupiter J line Victorious. Jupiter ” Of Male Youth ” 5th Planet. H A. Harmony at 1..A. Harmony At Supremacy. – A Man of many Hats. Hello, We are at 1331 Facebook Friends 13 has been witnessed most with Tree Sage confirming it by his Frequency Conscious Perfect Timing. And today after I found my self playing his Examiner Tester… by the E.T frequency struggling to rise in my […]

01 Aug 2019

8/1/2019 0:14 – Facebook Post

11:58 p.m 7-31… Acknowledging Alicia Norris And her liking of the Portal as the U. 69.. Instead of what it transformed into.. 6 +9= 15 Alpha Bet 15 is letter O. And 1 is A. Eiffel Tower..Forms an A And E… Moi.. Emeka taking Chukwuemeka ( my past completed) home with me. I paused, curious as to why she had liked that one.. Then I understood.. Lauri Katharine is the response Laurie comes from Laurel- meaning Crowned with the Sweet […]

31 Jul 2019

7/31/2019 23:28 – Facebook Post

Hello, I have decided that I do not have any desire to post anymore today… Its fairly obvious that we are in a Script.. Where we were each Examined & Tested at how to follow instructions of a Script, and way not of our own making.. ( Which I found incredible the resistance to paying attention to a Script, other than the one’s people stubbornly and to a point beyond insanity insisted on ignoring, or pleaded ignorance and even went […]

31 Jul 2019

7/31/2019 21:54 – Facebook Post

9:36 p.m I C F I Circle Full I Christopher Filgueira I C. 6th Sense become Solid Fact. Yesterday as I reached for the T.V control I lietal witnessed yet again, my fingers move as if my a will apart from mine, knock the Gateway down. Knowing this play using this E.T Art and Scoence, I swallowed my “Fuego” and forced myself to quiet my self.. John Mack. Did that equation building a bridge of reason to also calm down […]

30 Jul 2019

7/30/2019 20:31 – Facebook Post

5:44 p.m 5:56 p.m 7-30-2019 E DD. E:E F 7 30 The Script In my personal script 7 30 links to my youngest brother Obum Ndubisi Mike Kolo Born 5:20 1973 E T S G I.. Married to a Japanese Woman who he met on the plane from Nigeria to Canada, and she, Noriko, arriving from Honk Kong, Japan. Both attending the same university. See sacred Portal 37. Evolution of Woman to Wu Man. Go Man.. Wu in Cantonese Mandarin […]

30 Jul 2019

7/30/2019 14:38 – Facebook Post

2:07 p.m From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 47 Entrance into Abyss. Through words expression of intentional malice and cruelty. See the guardians The Arch Angels of Destruction Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here