

12 Aug 2019

8/12/2019 13:06 – Facebook Post

1:05 p.m From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 91 A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Aug 2019

8/9/2019 15:28 – Facebook Post

3:27 p.m right now. From Eric Okoli.. E O D O B. Code 1-11- 1962. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Aug 2019

8/9/2019 1:28 – Facebook Post

1:22 a.m Haris.. “Grace… Guardian ” Zlotan Babic Haris Babic Golden Gold.. Graceful Guardian I met Haris with Victoria Jackson H V . Link my Altar. Wolf Dangerous Play.. He is also in the play on my page as a Facebook Friend. I recognized him instantly as well as Zlotan whom I never met.. Z B H B 8 is 9 Infinity 2 2. 4. D Add R 18 yrs. 22 V I D. V. E.. Original Facebook Post URL: […]

09 Aug 2019

8/9/2019 1:21 – Facebook Post

Zlatan Babic. Meaning ” Golden” 1:11 p.m This is me taking my Cue. Link Z Zariah Aliya Zion. H E. BREW. O I Nri.. Daruis The Great Alexander The Great Link to Darius Alexander D A. 4 in 1 My Z Code was Z as Zoraster. Susa Hanging Gardens of Babylon Iran Iraq Kazakhstan Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines flatmates Susa Johnny Newman Kim means Gold. Gold is the Past Golden Boy Z Zoraster Zarathustra Zoraster Meaning ” Goden Hero’s […]

08 Aug 2019

8/8/2019 19:10 – Facebook Post

3:37 p.m 8-8- 2019. At 13 44 Facebook Friends. 13 8 .. M..H / H M. 8 31.. 8 1.. John Mack told me how he wore jersey number 31 in his High School Football Team and then Joined the La Cross Team and wore the Jersey No 1. See sacred Portal 31.. Erection Ressurection. Golden State. Au Linked to Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage Christopher Filgueira… T C/ C T. Both age 31.. 31/31. 1. 62. 8. 1 8. […]

08 Aug 2019

8/8/2019 15:23 – Facebook Post

From Shawn Pierra 888… 3 8. 24. 6-7-8 S.P. From Facebook Memories Today I Knew It! That My Sacred Portal… Your .. Out Sacred Portal was through the Pyramids of Egypt linked all over the world through Ley Lines ending in Peru. Egypt Peru .. E P. U R E P… Universe You Represent Planet Earth. R U. E. P.. E.T. R U E.. E.P. T… R.U.E. Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen Esteban Filgueira Sarah Kaizer Peter Bragino Tree Sage ( […]

07 Aug 2019

8/7/2019 16:09 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins I take this personally. See sacred portal 58. As the date for my departure from Jesse Macias portal looms, the last portal of a life time of living proving a Truth not of this world- written as an 7-8 year old boy of A Mission I was dropped off on this Dimension to complete… Which I recalled that My Father Son would arrive on Unicorned Pegasus U.P and lead me home. See Sacred Portal 58. It has […]

07 Aug 2019

8/7/2019 5:28 – Facebook Post

L E. 1-1-87. AA M.W. 87 69. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Aug 2019

8/4/2019 20:07 – Facebook Post

Memphis Charlie M C. C E-F.. 7:56 p.m Sent me this.. Correct on so many levels aligned to the Sleep Awake.. AR T. SC I E. NCE. Script of 6th Sense Awake when Sleeping To becoming Aware of the Facts. Process of Awakening Full Circle Evolved through Foowing the Facts of the Yellow- Goden Brick Road. Somewhere over the Rainbow 1-7merge to Light and Red. 8. 1. H A. E Rose.. Rosey Pink.. 8:00 p.m Stevie Wondee… S W. Spirit […]

04 Aug 2019

8/4/2019 15:11 – Facebook Post

Facebook Memories Today N.H. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here