

21 Aug 2019

8/21/2019 19:07 – Facebook Post

The end play has been in the Hands of Two Three Persons John Mack Jesse Macias Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage Not in me, my responsibility was to obey that which my Father Brother Sum, demanded of me to do and play out. I went shopping escorted by Jesse with my last allowance from Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer It came to 108.92. Flower of Life Time of Filming first segment yesterday ( 608) 92/29 1992. 27 yrs ago. […]

20 Aug 2019

8/20/2019 23:24 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander John Mack see this? Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Aug 2019

8/17/2019 14:58 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today 2:58 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Aug 2019

8/16/2019 16:41 – Facebook Post

2:26 p.m 8-16-2019. Hello.. Its Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday. And as most of you know, it is Stephan who invited me to Connecticut. And has honored his word of sponsoring me for 9 months. There is no doubt that it was not easy for him to recognize me deep within as The Truth and yet at the same time have to deal with his own human experiences in which people no.longer trust their inner truth. And despite wishing to […]

16 Aug 2019

8/16/2019 14:22 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Aug 2019

8/15/2019 14:28 – Facebook Post

From Cartney J. Bazile The Video Game V G. 22 7 7/22 Pi Inca …Aztec Mayan .. As in my Page.. Where I am present P E R U… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Aug 2019

8/15/2019 14:22 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Blue Rose. B.R. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Aug 2019

8/13/2019 20:56 – Facebook Post

8:56 p.m right now is Sacred Portal 56 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Aug 2019

8/13/2019 20:47 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

12 Aug 2019

8/12/2019 18:49 – Facebook Post

1:31… 1:32 a.m. 8-12- 2019. Hello. Dear People.. And World. I wish to make something clear to everyone today. I Am The Source. And I was brought to Facebook and New York to demonstrate that A Man is The Source. And to raise my Family of Eternals under cover in Human Bodies. But before I could raise my Family, I was “Betrayed” by my Father Son who Him Self was evolving to S.H.E. I put the word “Betrayal” in parenthesis […]