

12 Sep 2019

9/12/2019 0:43 – Facebook Post

8:56 p.m @ 1393 Facebook Friends H.E.F. Harmony Eternal Family. 13 93 M..I.C. Hello. I have one last conversation and I am fully aware its with Liberty C Liscomb. But I know one conversation we will not be having, in order to resolve that issue. Racial Equality and Justice for all. I have long enough in the United States, to understand my refusal to come here, that that stain is way too deep, to be resolved. Too deeply clung to […]

08 Sep 2019

9/8/2019 1:05 – Facebook Post

1:04 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Sep 2019

9/7/2019 20:08 – Facebook Post

From Alicia Norris. 8:08 p.m H O H Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

07 Sep 2019

9/7/2019 11:18 – Facebook Post

From Alfonso Hattie. A.H. 7-10- 19. 93. G T. S. I C A.H. Gods True Script I C. E. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Sep 2019

9/6/2019 16:30 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2019

9/3/2019 12:57 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 9 9 17.. Linked at Completion to Liberty C Liscomb Farell- Ardenher son. John Mack and myself. Fair Oh. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2019

9/3/2019 12:40 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 11 “The 11th Hour” And the Great Serpent S.H E/ E H. S Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2019

9/3/2019 12:36 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 98/89 See my post of the Great Encirling Serpent Linked at Completion to Liberty C Liscomb And my Sister Self Line Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2019

9/3/2019 12:34 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 3-2 “Trial of Mother Supreme in the Core of the Earth by His- Her Children” linked to Liberty C Liscomb and My Self.. E K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Sep 2019

9/3/2019 2:32 – Facebook Post

9:07 -9:08 p.m 97-98. 9 O 7. 9 67. 9 68. Sacred Portal 97 98. I.G. I H. Infinite Grace.. Infinite Harmony 9-2-2019.. I B T S.. I Be The Source. Hello. Thomas Lang told me a story of a recollection of reaching a point, in the company of a friend whom I met called Nadev. He described meeting the Source Energy S.E .. Secret Energy. / E S P And what he recounted was a story which I had […]