

13 Oct 2019

10/13/2019 11:49 – Facebook Post

11:16 p.m K P A-A A F 10-12-2019. J.L T S. Jeron Liberty Truth Supreme. Self Worth. Self Worth is Quiet, but never silent. It can understand its own value and worth to all things, without having to blast its own trumpet. Jeron means “He Sings” Jeron is Libertys 5th Child and 4th Son. He is 7 months old. He sings Liberty. Holy Sacred Liberty. Self Worth sings. And in the song it sings, All its Self Worth is displayed. […]

12 Oct 2019

10/12/2019 12:08 – Facebook Post

From Roberto Todaro Venus as a Boy. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

11 Oct 2019

10/11/2019 22:21 – Facebook Post

7:37 p.m 10-11-2019. Hello, The Code 737 appeared in this my resolution of this riddle and mind maze of deciphering a preset up play game, examination, test, riddle ( and Play Theater in which it is acted out in what is obviously 7 stages of Exprsssion) Liberty C Liscombs Harmony of even movies she chose to watch since the month I have been here, from “The Last Unicorn ” to Valerian and the 1000 planets and most recently- and only […]

10 Oct 2019

10/10/2019 18:03 – Facebook Post

From Chance Birdick Liscomb. C B L From Liberty C Liscomb L C L C L. B C. L L. ( 24. X. T.E.N) Beautiful Huh? Full Circle O and o Looks Like a Man Holding a Circle And a boy, as the smaller one. A Juggler. It reminds me of Sacred Portal 73. 37/ 73 Jugglers.. Handle Many Things. Gifted with Grace.. Devotions Dedication Gain Rewaed. D D G R Golden Ratio. 6:03 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click […]

08 Oct 2019

10/8/2019 0:19 – Facebook Post

A Quick note ( So much like a video game) I have a new Facebook Friend Lisa Aberu LA.. Sixth Note 6th sense. 12 1.. Its means ” Gods Oath and vow satisfied to the Abraham, 12 Tribes 12 Tribes -“Father of many”, Fromo the Portuguese Catalain Ancient noble house of Normany. 12:12 p.m Abru also means in Arabic ” Dignity, Fortune Honor and Good Nane.” 12 12 L L And that links to code Lisa Levine Liberty C Liscomb. […]

07 Oct 2019

10/7/2019 19:28 – Facebook Post

Hello, Happy Birthday to: Aaron Stewart. A.S Isabelle Sullivan Evans. I S. E Deena Deborah. D D. A S I S E D D. 10-7-2019. J ( A O A 6. ) J T.S. John Thomas “Stephan” A S I S. E D D J T.S. 5:30 p.m D D is 4 4. Balance.. 8. D D reps David Dawn. Bed 4-017. H. I have a new Facebook Friend, Mike Sab Ndulue. Mike means “Who is as God?” The answer […]

07 Oct 2019

10/7/2019 16:24 – Facebook Post

Wangechi Mutu’s mythic figures on The Met’s façade examine the relationship between power, culture, and representation. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

06 Oct 2019

10/6/2019 14:39 – Facebook Post

From Nuala Evans Natural Evolution Gay-Marie Hollingsworth. G M.H.. 7 13 at 8 * 7 and 13 were the numbers of the children who appeared infront and besides me in the Fair Liberty C Liscomb took me to. 1:11 p.m Now as you know, that I have making the claim that not only am I not from this worlds frequency and consciousness, but that I am from the Future Present aka the Origins of Energy and its Source Expression called […]

06 Oct 2019

10/6/2019 0:07 – Facebook Post

11:53 p.m I have a New Facebook Friend Abby Temple A.T. Its a code Linked to Liberty C Liscomb her own license plate which I noted, AT 331 6 33 And which she another one cose noted today.. AT 777 33… Do you see the connection? I saw her code and liberty saw the arrival of Abby linked to her own I.Q. 777 is 21 U. 3. 33 is 6. 6th sense aligned to F.. AC T. I On Fantasy […]

05 Oct 2019

10/5/2019 17:43 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today 3 years ago. Fabiano Amorim F A. 5:43 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here