

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 1:07 – Facebook Post

Every one of these posts were part of what Liberty C Liscomb and I discussed today. Begining with Sacred Portal 128 B First Contact New York 2011 As Place Person J F Thing 5th dimension Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Oct 2019

10/17/2019 19:36 – Facebook Post

5:45 p.m Full Circle E D E. Expression Delta is E. 10-17-2019. J.Q . T S Jay is Quantum. The Script. J is 10 and represents Balance. There is only one balance of the Universe Existence A O. Alpha Omega. Is 1-6. A.F.. A F A. Full Circle. J A Y. E J O Y. E. J J. 10 10. 2.. B. Being manifested Alpha and Omega. 5:55 p.m. Yes E: E E 1:11 J.B. OO 7 Jay.M.E S. B […]

17 Oct 2019

10/17/2019 17:38 – Facebook Post

From Stacy 8-15-1996. H-O-S- I.F…. Hosif. From the name Josif.. Meaning ” The Lord will ADD” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Oct 2019

10/16/2019 22:44 – Facebook Post

8:49 p.m Harmony Nome Alaska 49th State Harmony Northern Lights Alaska 49th State. 117 Sacred Portal Anamla Qayin. A.Q. D M I C TP/K 115 A G E. Do you recall this? The message from the Dream World. Death. 8:52 p.m 6:52 p.m was the Time Thomas Lang sent me his message H.E.B. F E B. February Month of Pisces Aquarius. The pants I picked out for Libertys Son ( She picked out Black Courdroys.. Roy” means ” Royal” .. […]

16 Oct 2019

10/16/2019 20:13 – Facebook Post

5:23 p.m E.W../ W.E. 10-16-2019. J-P-T.S. J Perfect Timing Source. E W. E Double V J ( 10 Balance) is Perfect Timming is the Source of The Script. Hello, I have 7 new facebook friends. Adel Al Qanthani. A A Q. Elizabeth Emily E.E. Georgiana Bobbi G.B. Gabrielle Bella. G.B. Lasaad Jbér J.L. Putra Pratama P.P.. Romy Baker R.B 7 is 1-7 in the Rainbow Spectrum R.S. Raheem Sarcar just sent me a message. He represents portal 1385 Starbucks Portal […]

16 Oct 2019

10/16/2019 11:02 – Facebook Post

11:01 a.m From Putra Pratama. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Oct 2019

10/15/2019 3:33 – Facebook Post

12:51 a.m 14. 15- 10-2019. N… O-J.S. Hello, First of all I would like to commend Liberty C Liscomb for her taking up the mantle of a play of 18.7 years which has ended with my being led to her portal. And to the conclusive evidence that the End of what I would like to call this Voodoo Evil Script of Insanity, given for me to walk for 29.11 years to the day of my being invited to her home […]

14 Oct 2019

10/14/2019 13:11 – Facebook Post

12:55 p.m From Facebook Memories Today. Sacred Portal 147 Standing on the Point. The point has been made 76 5. Awakening of the E.. Eternals. Which exist in all of you. Its was always about you, Figuring out that you are in a riddle A Video Game which you are meant to solve your way out of. The tear was not for me, It was for you… It was compassion. But enough of that, It only makes you selfish, cruel […]

14 Oct 2019

10/14/2019 11:19 – Facebook Post

10:33 a.m J-C-C. 10-14-2019. J N.T S Hello, I know that so many people feel helpless, as they watch with greater realization the Revealations of how this world and thier view of reality is crumbling. Revealing a corruption and dismay at just how diseased it really is. But the destruction of this reality was always foretold and ordained. Humanity was always meant to Evolve. And this reality, system and matrix was always meant to be destroyed. And this is one […]

13 Oct 2019

10/13/2019 12:10 – Facebook Post

From Dion Ardian. D A. Cosmic Encounter. 2017. Jupiter and Venus. 5th Planet 2nd Planet. 52. The Last play took place in 2017. Total Solar Eclipse TSE “Tse” means ” Pause” between breath. 2 years later later it aligned to literal people representing this in this play theater. J V E.B. Jay Victor E Be.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here