

21 Oct 2019

10/21/2019 20:17 – Facebook Post

8:13 p.m H M. Harmony Manifested 13.8. Universe M.W. Man Woman. Sacred Portal 52 E B ” Authority granted Authority of Existence Love Supreme” 8:14.. 15 p.m Witnessed and linked Today through a Play of 5 Women out of Africa And 7 Daughters of Eve” 5 7. 12. L Portal used and witnessed by Liberty C Liscomb Leander Arden. L .L.A.. 8:17 p.m H Q I.have no desire to explain, Liberty can, in her own time. Original Facebook Post URL: […]

20 Oct 2019

10/20/2019 20:40 – Facebook Post

Tamara Philip Art Via Liberty C Liscomb She has a similar image in her kitchen. My First Collection Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Oct 2019

10/20/2019 12:11 – Facebook Post

From Claire Susana 10-20-1991. J T.. O Full Circle John Thomas The Black Panther Black C O C K. E 12:11 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Oct 2019

10/20/2019 0:54 – Facebook Post

12:37 a.m I am Wu Man of Course.. Sigh Let her be what she Chose And correctly, I might add J O D I. .Foster Of First Contact Not First Dawn Awakening She has no memory of this unlike Anne McHugh Her code is I.Q Supreme Human Intelligence Quotient Proficient in Language Communication P.H.D Enough to help the world understand the Nature Of E.. Eternity and Existence. Famed for making First Contact with The Source. T.S. Jump Men ( J.M) […]

19 Oct 2019

10/19/2019 23:30 – Facebook Post

10:29 p.m Jay. A MAN. For goodness sakes people This is a play.. There is no Evil Just Evil Actions which cause others hurt and pain. There is no Dark Wizards, just humans forces memories using Knowledge not revealed to all. Science Arts which people use. There is no Imperfection in Existence only Perfection. And this was a Story of why Harmony Equality is necessary and Fair Play. The Cause and Effect which in this case goes all the way […]

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 16:27 – Facebook Post

Lord Chi ne Lo ” The Spirit Rembers” “You Said What?” To our Message From The Source… Dark Elves.. D E.. 4 5 Billion year old Planet Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 16:07 – Facebook Post

Father Nature Nnamdi First Incarnation A D. A M. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 15:56 – Facebook Post

I saw this image of myself yesterday at Liberty C Liscomb I was showing off to her Sons, In the front yard Farell Arden and some youths But they were different They were of me, and another world. See what it says below “Arrival of The Brother of Eros C U P. I D.. E Eros Cupid E C C.E… The Point. Link Sacred Portal 123.. Yes Anne McHugh And 35 3:55 p.m C E E If you can not […]

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 15:27 – Facebook Post

This is Esteban Miguel Filgueira 29th Street Portal Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Oct 2019

10/18/2019 13:58 – Facebook Post

From Roberto Munoz R.M Roberto a friend of yours called Lisa Aberu is looking for you. Pls contact here. R.M. LA. Yes, I am Original Black Panther B.P Beautiful Pride Link British Petroleum. Oil 1:58 p.m 15 8 O H. A E H Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here