

30 Oct 2019

10/30/2019 18:42 – Facebook Post

NE R A.. Y. E / A R E. N. S A.M. HAIN. “Hain” is the word for ” Hate” in French. Celts occupied Northern France. SOW. IN S I Aillen Celtic Magic. C M. e 4/3. E= C Me 4/3. See Sacred Portal 43 “Door Of Life” 6:40 p.m 64 6:41 p.m SOW. IN.. E. S I I S. 6:42 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2019

10/30/2019 17:16 – Facebook Post

5:13 p.m E.M.. Sacred Portal 33 And so D came to E To Arouse and Awaken you from the most Terrible Dream” 5:15 p.m E O. 5:16 p.m E.P Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2019

10/30/2019 13:45 – Facebook Post

11:41 p.m K D A. 10-30-2019. J C O. T. S. Hello.. Liberty C Liscomb has recorded most of our latter conversations, so I have not been posting full explainarions of the progress of the Play. It is extraordinary, there is no doubt. The finding oneself moved by conversation as DNA to Dne, The proving how the Ancestors, the Dead have been influencing their descendants Dna. The actuality of it, Words affecting Dna. The true consequence of people no longer […]

30 Oct 2019

10/30/2019 2:05 – Facebook Post

2:04 a.m 20 4 T D J. O.K. E. R Terrible Death From Cameron Chasity C C. 3 3 1-1-87. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Oct 2019

10/28/2019 15:44 – Facebook Post

From Arinze Umeano 3:43 p.m 5: 555.. Oh boy, chuckle, they don’t look that We don’t look like that we are E Hue Man Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

28 Oct 2019

10/28/2019 15:30 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge Now link the colors they are wearing to numbers they represent in the Rainbow. And initials And meaning of each name.. A.M.Y. L. Liberty C Liscomb has a sister called Amy.. Amy is L.. Liberty who brings the Light Bringer.. Energy L B. U.E. B L. U E.. 3:30 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Oct 2019

10/26/2019 18:19 – Facebook Post

The main problem Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

26 Oct 2019

10/26/2019 1:18 – Facebook Post

12:58 a.m And so the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze which I had been commanded to solve responds. I am at 14 58 Facebook Friends 77. 58 85 See sacred Portals. 77. Loki..Low Key. 85 58.. Thomas Lang was born 1985. Code 58 aligned to Chris and code of todat. 14. Nature 13 13 M. Manifestation Manipulation This was the play of this portal As well as W W today *William Wilberforce. Intel Arinze Umeano Au. ” Gold” Meaning ” […]

24 Oct 2019

10/24/2019 1:38 – Facebook Post

12:06 a.m. L O F. L F F.. F L/ L F. F Florida 27 A-A Adren – Alexander. 6:12 Ardens Birthday That is the time I sent Liberty my last text before she left with daughter Auriela and Leander to the Gymn. I took a bath, soaked in Epsom salts which Liberty C Liscomb had generously run for me, a bath.. first time in 16 years I had allowed myself a simple luxury I had used to take daily […]

23 Oct 2019

10/23/2019 20:01 – Facebook Post

7:22 p.m G.V. 10-23-2019. J-W-T S. J O W T S. / S. T W O. J Jay Wu Man The Script. Hello.. I am about to get into a bath… Excuse me, for saying that but it is relevant. I have just had a Reiki session with Liberty C Liscomb. Since yesterday, I had not slept a wink. I had been wrestling with a induced migraine caused by my body rising up to fight the binds and knots which […]