

04 Feb 2020

2/4/2020 12:59 – Facebook Post

11:56 p.m 11:57 am 5.6 Million Dollar Adds Donald Trump. Intel from Stella Antley Who is really moving who. See sacred portal 56. E.F. Only myself and Ferrill are in the house. E.F. 56.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Feb 2020

2/1/2020 14:48 – Facebook Post

Etheral Goddess Bliss Air. AER O.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Jan 2020

1/31/2020 13:01 – Facebook Post

12:00 p.m From Facebook Memories Today Sacred Portal 9 Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Jan 2020

1/29/2020 0:56 – Facebook Post

7:24 p.m G: B.D. 1-28 2020 Vision Awareness Happy Being. The Thread. TT of 2020 Vision. E R I. C Eric Thread of the Eternal Ruler. E.T. T E. R-R. E. E TT. E R R E. O! Chukwu Eri Eri Chukwu. C. I R E. L A N D. Ire ( Wrath) C. I R E. Add. C L. C I R C L E. / E L. C R I. C E L! CRI C! Cried The C. […]

28 Jan 2020

1/28/2020 20:17 – Facebook Post

7:11 p.m From Facebook Memories Today My Fist O Magneto Sexual Power Its funny, I was just looking at B.F.F. Ian Macallan and Patrick Stewards images of “Agape” ( Brotherly Love) Professor X And Magneto. Generation X Gardens 7:17 p.m G.Q Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

25 Jan 2020

1/25/2020 19:44 – Facebook Post

John Legend. John Mack Leg End. Legend of a Book. A Map which gives key to the color codes and symbols.. Caption on a Coin. A Narrative.. John Legend J L. V Lets go with A Map. Change as in Loose Coins. John Is the Legend of my Book. John means “Grace” John MacDonald is the L E G. E N D. / D N E G E L. D N.E G ( E= A.) E G E- A G […]

25 Jan 2020

1/25/2020 15:46 – Facebook Post

2:45 p.m From Facebook Memories Today 4 years ago. K.A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jan 2020

1/23/2020 23:56 – Facebook Post

A.H. Oh yes. 10:56 P.m. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

23 Jan 2020

1/23/2020 13:29 – Facebook Post

12:29 p.m. From Facebook Memories Today. Sacred Portal 83. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Jan 2020

1/21/2020 13:00 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Aryana Luna Leone The Cosmic Eggs Web Blue and Red Full Circle. Web One Weave Energy B R ..O. W O W. E 12:00 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here